ISBN: 9788847005709
Autores: Gullo
Developing sectors in the Intensive Care field - and in Critical Care Medicine in general - require specific levels of competence having a same common denominator: an in-depth knowledge of human pathophysiology.
ISBN: 9788847005709
Autores: Gullo
Developing sectors in the Intensive Care field - and in Critical Care Medicine in general - require specific levels of competence having a same common denominator: an in-depth knowledge of human pathophysiology.
ISBN: 9788471015778
Autores: Cailliet Rene
Aspectos de la anatomía funcional. Anatomía funcional de la columna lumbosacra. Anatomía funcional de la columna cervical. Anatomía funcional del hombro. Anatomía funcional del codo, la muñeca, la mano y los dedos. Anatomía funcional de la rodilla.
ISBN: 9780781788670
Autores: Gunzburg Robert, Szpalskimarek, Aebi Max
This volume is a comprehensive review of the state of the art in the management of spinal tumors. Leading experts from the United States, Europe, and India present the latest concepts and findings on the epidemiology, classification, diagnosis, radiation
ISBN: 9780323039383
Autores: Bready Lois
Get fast answers to more than 220 anesthetic management problems with Decision Making in Anesthesiology! This fully revised and updated fourth edition examines vital topics in pre-anesthesia assessment, pre-operative problems, resuscitation,
ISBN: 9780824729196
Autores: Wilson William C, Hoyt David B, Grande Christopher M
Produced by a world-renowned team of trauma specialists, this source reviews initial management considerations beginning in the pre-hospital phase, continues through the primary and secondary surveys of the hospital-based evaluation process,
Autor: Knobel
Isbn: 9789589787571
Homenaje al enfermero La historia del cuidado intensivo está íntimamente relacionada con la de la enfermería. La activa participación de Florence Nightingale en la guerra de Crimea, preocupada por las deprimentes condiciones del tratamiento médico, fue emblemática y determinante. Esta heroína y su equipo de enfermeras voluntarias reunieron a todos los heridos de la guerra bajo un mismo ambiente, permitiendo así una asistencia más directa y eficiente.