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  • Categorías: Cirugía
  • Categorías: Literatura Médica
  • Editorial: Distribuna
  • Editorial: Lippincott Williams

Hot topics in surgical, critical care, trauma and emergency general surgery

Precio base COP $167.000 -15% Precio COP $141.950

ISBN: 9786287673311
Autor: Paula Ferrada

Discover the cutting-edge advancements in trauma, emergency general surgery, and surgical critical care with our latest book, “Hot Topics in Surgical Critical Care, Trauma, and Emergency General Surgery.” This comprehensive guide presents the latest developments in these Dynamic fields in an easy-to-understand format, complete with figures and step by-step protocols that are integral to our INOVA Trauma System. Our book offers invaluable insights into trauma care, prioritizing circulation, and our extensive experience with ECMO for trauma. 

ISBN: 9780781779425
Autores: Mills Stacey, Carter Darryl, Greenson Joel, Reuter Victor, Stoler Mark

Completely updated, the Fifth Edition of this standard-setting two-volume reference presents the most advanced diagnostic techniques and the latest information on all currently known disease entities. More than 90 preeminent surgical pathologists

ISBN: 9780781781633
Autores: Henrich William

This book is an evidence-based review of the practical challenges of dealing with patients receiving dialysis The first section covers technical and procedural considerations such as choosing the hemodialysis membrane and choosing the best dialysis option

The Echo Manual 3 Ed

Precio COP $389.000

ISBN: 9780781748537
Autores: Oh Jae, Seward James, Tajik Jamil

Thoroughly updated for its Third Edition, this best-selling manual is a practical guide to the performance, interpretation, and clinical applications of echocardiography. The Echo Manual is written by recognized authorities at the Mayo Clinic

ISBN: 9780781773652
Autores: Pass Harvey, Carbone David, Johnson David, Minna John, Scagliotti Giorgio, Turrisi Andrew

Thoroughly revised and updated, this Fourth Edition is the most comprehensive, current reference on lung cancer, with contributions from the world's foremost surgeons, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, pulmonologists, and basic scientists

ISBN: 9780781769723
Autores: Szpalski Marek, Gunzburg Robert, Le Huec Jean Charles, Brayda Bruno Marco

Written by an international group of expert spine surgeons, this volume thoroughly examines new nonfusion technologies for treating spinal degenerative conditions while preserving motion. Major sections describe various surgical techniques

Breast Imaging 3Ed.

Precio COP $588.000

ISBN: 9780781747684
Autores: Kopans Daniel

Dr. Kopans' best-selling text and reference on breast imaging is now in its thoroughly revised updated Third Edition The author combines a complete superbly illustrated atlas of imaging findings with a comprehensive text that covers all imaging modalities

El manto blanco

Precio COP $29.000

Autor: Álvaro Ardila Otero
ISBN: EB9789588813929

Dos o tres obsesiones del personaje inventado por su autor parecen cifrar las páginas de este libro: el estrecho sendero por el que nos movemos a tientas entre la vida y la muerte, la ética y la mirada de asombro de todos nosotros ante los hechos de violencia y crueldad incesantes que constituyen el alma y nervio de la historia de nuestra nación.

Charlas de Hospital

Precio COP $29.000

Autores: Adrián Baranchuk

En Charlas de hospital se condensan casi treinta años de vida de alguien que todavía está recorriendo un largo camino como médico y como ser humano. De personalidad vigorosa, Adrián Baranchuk moldea, marca rumbos e imprime actitudes con su presencia y enseñanzas. Pertenece a una generación que no se resignó solo a la fría práctica profesional, sino que se proyecta de manera generosa en la vida y en los sentimientos de los demás para cuidar, sanar y compartir las angustias y el dolor del otro.



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