Autores: Montufar Rueda Carlos
El presente material surge como respuesta a una necesidad creciente de capacitación continua del recurso humano que a diario se enfrenta a situaciones clínicas, en el ámbito obstétrico, que implican la toma de decisiones oportuna, con el propósito de generar intervenciones efectivas, capaces de alterar el mal curso de una urgencia obstétrica.
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Achieve the best outcomes with expert, practical, highly visual guidance! Operative Techniques in Foregut Surgery features just the foregut surgery content from Operative Techniques in Surgery, the comprehensive 2volume set edited by Michael W. Mulholland
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This book explains the concept of metabolic surgery and provides step-by-step descriptions of all the principal minimally invasive surgical techniques employed to treat morbid obesity The approach adopted is very practical. For each procedure, indications |