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  • Categorías: Endocrinología
  • Categorías: Gastroenterología
  • Categorías: Medicina Interna
  • Categorías: Patología
  • Año: 2010
  • Año: 2010
  • Año: 2010
  • Año: 2010

ISBN: 9780387798295
Autores: Frankel Heidi, Boisblanc De Bennett

Bedside Procedures for the Intensivist delivers practical tips and clear step-by-step instruction on the most common procedures in the ICU The convenient and portable handbook focuses on ultrasound-guided techniques including an introduction to ultrasound

ISBN: 9781608310036
Autores: Foster Corey, Mistry Neville, Peddi Parvin, Sharma Shivak

Established for over 40 years as the "bible" of the medical ward. The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics is now in its Thirty-Third Edition and builds upon that proud tradition--with even more of the current information you need delivered

Valvular heart disease

Precio COP $100.000

ISBN: 9781840761368
Autores: Andrus Bruce W, Baldwin John C

The study of valvular heart disease has progressed rapidly over the past two decades. The understanding of etiology and natural history, the precision of noninvasive assessment, and the surgical and interventional management of valve disease

Endoscopia digestiva pediatrica

Precio COP $122.000

ISBN: 9788484738244
Autores: Martinez, M.J, Muñoz, R.A.

Esta obra refleja la experiencia de los autores, que junto a un amplio grupo de colaboradores, ofrecen un manual práctico sobre este procedimiento diagnóstico-terapéutico tan importante en la moderna pediatría para todos aquellos pediatras

ISBN: 9780702034107
Autores: Lefkowitch

this title covers aspects of liver pathology, the hepatidities, and neoplasms. It correlates histopathologic features with clinical features throughout to provide a practical account of how pathology impacts the diagnosis and management of liver disease.

Manual of surgical pathology 3ed.

Precio COP $249.000

ISBN: 9780323065160
Autores: Lester Susan

Dr. Lester's Manual of Surgical Pathology, 3rd Edition offers complete, practical guidance on the evaluation of the surgical pathology specimen, from its arrival in the department to preparation of the final report.

Bone marrow pathology 4 ed.

Precio COP $449.900

ISBN: 9781405168250
Autores: Bain Barbara Jane, Clark David M, Wilkins Bridget S

This book is excellent. Haematopathology can be daunting and the study of bone marrows especially so. The authors deserve credit for producing a book that is not only easy to read and understand, but is also a compact, detailed and exhaustive guide.



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