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  • Categorías: Cirugía Plástica
  • Categorías: Medicina Familiar
  • Categorías: Neonatología
  • Categorías: Oncología
  • Categorías: Ortopedia
  • Categorías: Psicología
  • Año: 2006
  • Año: 2006
  • Año: 2006

ISBN: 9781416037774
Autores: Achauer Bruce, Sood Rajiv

This reference presents the perspectives of author team examining the entire spectrum of burn reconstruction. chapters cover basic aspects of wound healing acute care of the burn wound (particularly to optimizing reconstructive results)

ISBN: 9781588903488
Autores: Victor N. Cassar-Pullicino, Herwig Imhof

The diagnosis of trauma to the spine -- where the slightest oversight may have catastrophic results -- requires a thorough grasp of the spectrum of resultant pathology as well as the imaging modalities used in making an accurate diagnosis. In Spinal Trauma, the internationally renowned team of experts provides a comprehensive, cutting-edge exposition of the current vital role of imaging in the diagnosis and treatment of injuries to the axial skeleton

Breast Imaging 3Ed.

Precio COP $588.000

ISBN: 9780781747684
Autores: Kopans Daniel

Dr. Kopans' best-selling text and reference on breast imaging is now in its thoroughly revised updated Third Edition The author combines a complete superbly illustrated atlas of imaging findings with a comprehensive text that covers all imaging modalities

The Prenate And Neonate.

Precio COP $298.000

ISBN: 9781842140444
Autores: Renzo Gian Carlo Di, Simeoni Umberto

At the moment of birth, the obstetrician is presented with a wide range of visual signs and symptoms in the neonate that may be entirely normal or that may indicate the presence of some underlying condition or disease.

ISBN: 9788445812983
Autores: Taylor R. B

Esta obra escrita por más de 200 autores, la mayoría de ellos médicos de familia, es un texto de referencia en el que tanto los médicos de familia ya formados como los residentes en formación encontrarán respuestas a sus consultas surgidas de la practica

Neurology And Trauma

Precio COP $360.000

ISBN: 9780195170320
Autores: Evans Randolph

Disorders due to trauma to the head, spine, and peripheral nerves are among the most common seen by neurologists, neurosurgeons, and emergency physicians. This is the comprehensive definitive work on the subject, offering coverage on a wide range 


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