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  • Editorial: Crc press
  • Editorial: Crc press
  • Editorial: Crc press
  • Editorial: Crc press
  • Editorial: Crc press
  • Editorial: Crc press
  • Editorial: Crc press
  • Editorial: Crc press
  • Editorial: Crc press

The Prenate And Neonate.

Precio COP $298.000

ISBN: 9781842140444
Autores: Renzo Gian Carlo Di, Simeoni Umberto

At the moment of birth, the obstetrician is presented with a wide range of visual signs and symptoms in the neonate that may be entirely normal or that may indicate the presence of some underlying condition or disease.

Prenatal Medicine

Precio COP $456.000

ISBN: 9780824728441
Autores: Van Vugt John M. G, Shulman Lee P.

At the cutting-edge of maternal and neonatal management and research this reference presents the most recent advances in fetal DNA/RNA embryoscopy/fetoscopy open fetal surgery pre-existing and newly detected maternal medical complications detect

Handbook Of Early Pregnancy Care

Precio COP $298.000

ISBN: 9781842143230
Autores: Bourne Thomas H, Condous George

Problems in early pregnancy are among the most common conditions in gynecology and with management becoming less invasive and depending more on accurate ultrasound and a good understanding of serum biochemistry

Hipertensión en el embarazo

Precio COP $83.000

ISBN: 9789509030695
Autores: Voto Liliana

Este es un libro es para jóvenes profesionales en formación que ayudará a entender el complejo desarrollo de la hipertensión gestacional y para acompañar la consulta diaria a todos aquéllos que tienen la responsabilidad de cuidar de las madres y sus hijos

Inflammation And Pregnancy

Precio COP $344.000

ISBN: 9781842142721
Autores: Peebles Donald M, Myatt Leslie

Nowhere is the complex relation between inflammation and disease more apparent than in pregnancy. From the immune adaptation necessary for a mother to tolerate a genetically different fetus through gestation, to the role of inflammatory mediators

ISBN: 9780849338267
Autores: Baughman Kenneth L, Baumgartner William A

Treatment of Advanced Heart Disease is an expansive and up-to-date guide to the diagnosis and treatment of heart failure in children and adults. Written by leading specialists, this source guides the clinician through the possible causes of heart

Emergency Cardiology

Precio COP $70.000

ISBN: 9780340807194
Autores: Nail Uren, James Nolan, Azad Ghuran

This highly practical pocket reference provides invaluable advice on management of acute cardiac problems, a major component of all emergency medical admissions. Advocating an evidence-based approach to clinical practice

ISBN: 9781588296054
Autores: Saw Jacqeline, Exaire Emilio, Lee David, Yadav Jay

This handbook supplements hands-on training in interventional cardiology with a specific focus on percutaneous intervention in patients with extracranial carotid artery stenosis. It carries studies supporting carotid comprehensive

ISBN: 9789509030633
Autores: Beloscar Juan

Este libro sobre Enfermedad de Chagas, que debemos al doctor Juan Beloscar y sus colaboradores, doctores Liliana Gastaldi (Rosario), Juan Estigarribia (Rosario), Oscar Bottasso (Rosario), Alicia del Frade (Rosario), Teresita Ghio (Rosario)

Ecografía Musculo-Esquelética

Precio COP $42.000

ISBN: 9789509030619
Autores: Grecco Vanrell

El Dr. Rafael Vanrell ha redactado este libro luego de haberse dedicado durante varios años a las EMEs; la suma de su experiencia, su incansable búsqueda y estudio permanente e infatigable, tratando de obtener la mayor cantidad posible de información



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