Autores: David Vásquez Awad, Marcela Celis Amórtegui
ISBN: 9781416039662
Autores: Weidner Noel, Cote Richard, Suster Saul, Weiss Lawrence
Online and in print Modern Surgical Pathology 2Ed present today most complet current and practical assistance in evaluating out surgical specimens 3000 high-quality pathology images provide a basis for comparison to any sample you see under the microscope
ISBN: 9781416034292
Autores: Kradin Richard
the Second Edition of Diagnostic Pathology: Infectious Disease, is an invaluable tool for the accurate diagnosis of any infectious disease from the common to the most challenging makes it an especially useful tool for surgical pathologists diagnostic
ISBN: 9781416042082
Autores: Bibbo Marluce, Wilbur David
This book provides you with a comprehensive guide to the diagnostic applications of exfoliative and aspiration cytology. The book takes a systemic approach and covers the normal and abnormal cytological findings encountered in a particular organ.
ISBN: 9781931884280
Autores: Amin Mahul
Designed as an easy-to-use and comprehensive reference for the practicing pathologist, Diagnostic Pathology: Genitourinary is the highly anticipated title in the Diagnostic Pathology series offered by Amirsys.
ISBN: 9781608316700
Autores: Rosen Paul Peter, Hoda Syed
Edited by two eminent authorities on breast pathology, this heavily illustrated text offers essential guidance on diagnostic evaluation of needle core biopsies. The focus is on the most common and challenging differential diagnostic problems
ISBN: 9780781779425
Autores: Mills Stacey, Carter Darryl, Greenson Joel, Reuter Victor, Stoler Mark
Completely updated, the Fifth Edition of this standard-setting two-volume reference presents the most advanced diagnostic techniques and the latest information on all currently known disease entities. More than 90 preeminent surgical pathologists
ISBN: 9780781775960
Autores: Ioachim Harry, Medeiros Jeffrey
Now in its Fourth Edition, this comprehensive, practical, and thoroughly illustrated reference offers valuable guidance in the diagnostic interpretation of lymph node biopsies. It provides encyclopedic coverage of all the various nonmalignant lesions
ISBN: 9788496921627
Autores: Harris Jay
La cuarta edición de esta obra, totalmente revisada, actualizada y ahora en color en todo su contenido, es una referencia obligada para cualquier médico que trate las enfermedades de la mama. Algunos de los mejores expertos resumen los conocimientos
ISBN: 9781405168250
Autores: Bain Barbara Jane, Clark David M, Wilkins Bridget S
This book is excellent. Haematopathology can be daunting and the study of bone marrows especially so. The authors deserve credit for producing a book that is not only easy to read and understand, but is also a compact, detailed and exhaustive guide.
ISBN: 9789974827899
Autores: Esquinas Rodriguez Antonio
En esta obra se analizan las bases que determinan la fisiopatología de la ventilación mecánica no invasiva como técnica de tratamiento en pacientes con insuficiencia respiratoria, en todas su posibles situaciones (neumología, críticos, etc.)
ISBN: 9780702034107
Autores: Lefkowitch
this title covers aspects of liver pathology, the hepatidities, and neoplasms. It correlates histopathologic features with clinical features throughout to provide a practical account of how pathology impacts the diagnosis and management of liver disease.
ISBN: 9780323065160
Autores: Lester Susan
Dr. Lester's Manual of Surgical Pathology, 3rd Edition offers complete, practical guidance on the evaluation of the surgical pathology specimen, from its arrival in the department to preparation of the final report.
ISBN: 9781933864402
Autores: Hruban Ralph
Clinical and radiologic examinations cannot reliably distinguish benign or inflammatory pancreatic disease. The increased use of pancreatic fine needle along with advances in imaging techniques and the introduction of endoscopic ultrasound guidance
ISBN: 9781933864662
Autores: Ali Syed
The Atlas of Urinary Cytopathology is a volume that serves as practical guide in the diagnostically of urinary cytopathology.The text is comprised of 500 images that thoroughly illustrate the important aspects of the cytopathology of urinary tract disease
ISBN: 9781933864822
Autores: Laposata Michael
Each day pathologists are faced with ordering laboratory tests with which they are unfamiliar. An incorrectly ordered test or error in interpreting test results can lead to mistakes that compromise patient safety.
ISBN: 9788478774401
Autores: Delgado Martin
El proceso del embarazo es amenazado por muchas circunstancias, relacionadas con la propia mujer su estado de salud y su reserva fisiológica con factores medioambientales y educacionales todas representan una amenaza real potencial para la madre y el feto
ISBN: 9789509030657
Autores: Gorodner Jorge
El presente libro tiene el propósito de brindar al profesional del equipo de salud un compendio que facilite su accionar frente a las patologías de alta prevalencia y otras conminantes que tienen su correlato en el ecosistema y el ambiente
ISBN: 9780415702171
Autores: Litt Jerome Z
The most widely acclaimed resource for primary physicians, practicing dermatologists, and hospital consultants, now expanded and improved. This updated and enlarged edition perfectly answers the busy physician's need for a comprehensive,
ISBN: 9780415458955
Autores: Marghoob Ashfaq A, Malvehy Josep, Braun Ralph P
Building on a successful first edition, this revised and extended Atlas of Dermoscopy demonstrates the state of the art of how to use dermoscopy to detect and diagnose lesions of the skin, with a special emphasis on malignant skin tumours.
Ebook Ginecología y obstetricia basadas en las nuevas evidencias. Segunda edición
Autores: Rodrigo Cifuentes
Desde el comienzo de la practica medica en el mundo contemporáneo, se daba por descontado que el especialista en obstetricia debía dejar al cuidado de los internistas a las embarazadas que presentaran cualquier complicación que se escapara a los estrechos limites de su especialidad
Autores: Viruez Soto José Antonio, Olaya Garay Sandra Ximena, Franco Daniel Molano, Zabala Barrios Berenice, Briones Garduño Jesus Carlos
El objetivo del presente manual es ofrecer los datos más relevantes acerca del cuidado de la paciencia embarazada en estado crítico.
Autores: Cifuentes Borrero Rodrigo
Es un libro dedicado a los especialistas de Obstetricia y Ginecología, una de las especialidades con más riesgo de demanda judicial, sobre todo en el área del embarazo, diagnóstico prenatal y part
Autores: Luis Hernán Guzmán Abi-Saab,Carlos Alberto Vargas Baez, Luis Fernando Viaña González, Alejandro Duque Restrepo, Clara Inés Serrano Falla, Gloria Palazuelos Jiménez, John Jairo Sánchez Blandón
ISBN: 9789585577114
El objetivo del presente Manual de Mastología es brindar herramientas claves acerca de la patología mamaria con un enfoque interdisciplinario. Se encuentra dirigido al personal médico relacionado y comprometido con esta patología, tanto en el diagnóstico como en su terapéutica.