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  • Categorías: Enfermería
  • Categorías: Infectología
  • Categorías: Pediatría
  • Categorías: Psiquiatría
  • Categorías: Trauma
  • Formato: Impreso

ISBN: 9781608313815
Autores: Cabaniss Micki, Ross Michael

Thoroughly updated for its Second Edition, Fetal Monitoring Interpretation describes and illustrates the full range of patterns revealed by fetal monitoring and explains their clinical significance. The book uses case studies and high-quality tracings

ISBN: 9780781785006
Autores: Driscoll

Based on Dr. Driscoll's thirty years of successful bedside teaching at the Mayo Clinic, Fundamentals of Pediatric Cardiology is the ideal textbook for residents in pediatrics, family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatric and adult cardiology

ISBN: 9780781771726
Autores: Schaider Jeffrey , Hayden Stephen, Wolfe Richard, Barkin Roger, Rosen Peter

This best-selling emergency department reference is now in its thoroughly updated Third Edition. The foremost authorities provide practical information on over 600 clinical problems in a fast-access two-page outline format that's perfect

ISBN: 9786074430608
Autores: Taketomo

El manual de referencia farmacológica de LEXI-COMP - El Manual de prescripción pediátrica de Lexi-Comp sigue siendo la publicación más confiable para dosificación en neonatos lactantes y niños Esta guía práctica y útil está organizada en secciones fáciles

ISBN: 9780323012812
Autores: Ungerleider Ross, Nichols David, Spevak Philip,. Greeley William, Cameron Duke, Lappe Dorothy, Wetzel Randall

Pediatric intensivists, cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, and anesthesiologists from the leading centers around the world present the collaborative perspectives, concepts, and state-of-the-art knowledge required to care for children with congenital

ISBN: 9786077618157
Autores: Gonzales De La Torre Carlos

La importancia del equipo y podemos asegurar que muy pocos centros de implantación coclear tiene la oportunidad de garantizar su permanencia en beneficio de quienes acudan y accedan a un programa consolidado para resolver problemas auditivos

ISBN: 9789507623202
Autores: Bradley John

Especialidad: Asma, atención primaria, infectologia, inmunología, medicina familiar, medicina interna, neumología, pediatría, pediatría ambulatoria, salud pública, sida, terapia intensiva Descripción: Esta nueva edición mantiene el tradicional formato de libro de bolsillo de la primera edición publicada en 1975

ISBN: 9781846289521
Autores: Munoz Ricardo, Vetterly Carol, Roth Stephen, Da Cruz Eduardo

This handbook of drugs used in pediatric cardiac care will satisfy the need for a quick reference source of common drug therapy. There are no major texts available in the field of pediatric cardiology that exclusively provide therapeutic drug information.

ISBN: 9781608310036
Autores: Foster Corey, Mistry Neville, Peddi Parvin, Sharma Shivak

Established for over 40 years as the "bible" of the medical ward. The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics is now in its Thirty-Third Edition and builds upon that proud tradition--with even more of the current information you need delivered

ISBN: 9781451108620
Autores: Cloherty John P.

This Spiral(R) Manual provides a practical approach to the diagnosis and medical management of newborns. Chapters cover maternal, fetal, and neonatal problems and common neonatal procedures. An outline format provides quick access to a large amount

ISBN: 9780781775960
Autores: Ioachim Harry, Medeiros Jeffrey

Now in its Fourth Edition, this comprehensive, practical, and thoroughly illustrated reference offers valuable guidance in the diagnostic interpretation of lymph node biopsies. It provides encyclopedic coverage of all the various nonmalignant lesions

ISBN: 9780781781657
Autores: Smith David

Field Guide to Bedside Diagnosis, Second Edition enables students and physicians to navigate from the patient's symptoms and presenting signs to the diagnosis. The book covers 139 chief complaints and signs and is organized to parallel the diagnostic

ISBN: 9780781787468
Autores: Sadock Benjamin, Alcott Sadock Virginia

This concise textbook is ideal for any student or health care professional who needs an authoritative, readable, affordable text that is sharply focused on clinical psychiatry. It contains the most relevant clinical material from the best-selling Kaplan

The Human Heart 2Edition

Precio COP $164.000

ISBN: 9780781767774
Autores: Phibbs Brendan

This basic text on the heart and heart diseases is geared to everyone on the cardiovascular care team, including emergency personnel, interns, residents, nurses, patients, and families. The thoroughly updated Second Edition describes current technologies

ISBN: 9780781759427
Autores: Griffin Brian, Rimmerman Curtis, Topol Eric

The Cleveland Clinic Cardiology Board Review offers thorough preparation for board certification and recertification exams in cardiology It is written by distinguished clinicians from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation's Department of Cardiovascular Medicine


Precio COP $65.000

Autores: Pedro Sierra, MD Profesor Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Peditrauma es el primer libro de trauma pediátrico en Colombia. Es fácil de leer y aborda los diferentes traumas que pueden suceder en estos pacientes. Todos los capítulos tienen un algoritmo, un examen final y una presentación, útil para las personas que requieran hacer alguna exposición sobre estos temas. Contiene información muy vigente tanto para la formación de los nuevos estudiantes de pediatría como para la actualización de los pediatras y demás personal de la salud.

ISBN: 9780781766456
Autores: Peacock W. Frank

This handbook, under the auspices of the Society of Chest Pain Centers, is the first roadmap to treatment of heart failure patients in an observation unit. It gives practitioners a full understanding of the medical requirements, administrative processes

El niño urgente

Precio base COP $199.000 -25% Precio COP $149.250

Autores: Pedro Sierra Rodríguez, MD Profesores, Departamento de Pediatría, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

¿Por qué comprar este libro? En primer lugar, los capítulos tienen algoritmos que facilitan el manejo médico; en segundo lugar, los autores son profesionales dedicados a la docencia universitaria con varios años de experiencia y con una mirada amplia desde la academia; y en tercer lugar, todos los capítulos cuentan con un examen final para valorar el aprendizaje de los lectores, por lo que es muy útil como texto guía en las escuelas de medicina.

Hot topics in surgical, critical care, trauma and emergency general surgery

Precio base COP $167.000 -15% Precio COP $141.950

ISBN: 9786287673311
Autor: Paula Ferrada

Discover the cutting-edge advancements in trauma, emergency general surgery, and surgical critical care with our latest book, “Hot Topics in Surgical Critical Care, Trauma, and Emergency General Surgery.” This comprehensive guide presents the latest developments in these Dynamic fields in an easy-to-understand format, complete with figures and step by-step protocols that are integral to our INOVA Trauma System. Our book offers invaluable insights into trauma care, prioritizing circulation, and our extensive experience with ECMO for trauma. 

ISBN: 9780781769372
Autores: Gibbs Ronald, Karlanbeth, Haney, Nygaard Ingrid

A core reference for residents and practitioners for over 40 years, Danforth's Obstetrics and Gynecology is now in its Tenth Edition-thoroughly revised and reorganized to provide complete, authoritative coverage of the modern clinical practice



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