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  • Categorías: Imagenología (Radiología)
  • Categorías: Medicina Forense
  • Categorías: Medicina Interna
  • Categorías: Oncología

ISBN: 9788471013392
Autores: Twining Mr Peter

El texto se acompaña de excelentes imágenes ecográficas que contribuyen a clarificar el proceso de detección de una determinada anormalidad, a la que se han añadido, cuando era necesario, su correspondiente correlación anatomopatológica.

The Echo Manual 3 Ed

Precio COP $389.000

ISBN: 9780781748537
Autores: Oh Jae, Seward James, Tajik Jamil

Thoroughly updated for its Third Edition, this best-selling manual is a practical guide to the performance, interpretation, and clinical applications of echocardiography. The Echo Manual is written by recognized authorities at the Mayo Clinic

ISBN: 9781848001701
Autores: Gertsch Marc

For every physician that interprets ECGs, there is great need to understand a vast amount of information regarding the technique. That the basics of the technique have changed little over the last 100 years means that there is a huge amount of subtle

Atlas Of Pelvic Floor Ultrasound

Precio COP $356.000

ISBN: 9781846285202
Autores: Dietz Hans, Hoyte Lennox, Steensma Anneke

Ultrasound has replaced X-ray as the main imaging modality for the diagnosis of pelvic floor disorders in women. It now enables a cost-effective and non-invasive demonstration of bladder neck and pelvic organ mobility, vaginal, urethral and levator

Medicina Hospitalista. Tomo 3: Situaciones especiales

Precio base COP $150.000 -30% Precio COP $105.000

ISBN: 9786287673359
Autor: Alfredo Cabrera Rayo, MD, Pascual Valdez, MD, Rodolfo Palencia Vizcarra, MD

Este tercer tomo aborda las situaciones especiales, y es otra de las secciones que da un plus a este libro. Estamos acostumbrados a la medicina interna como “la  medicina del adulto” (el varón), pero en nuestras salas de internación también ingresan adultos mayores, mujeres y adolescentes; esos 3 grupos tienen sus particularidades diferenciales, en especial los adolescentes y las mujeres, que son los mismos revisados en esta sección. 

ISBN: 9786287673243
Autor: Alfredo Cabrera Rayo, MD, Pascual Valdez, MD, Rodolfo Palencia Vizcarra, MD

Este segundo tomo se enfoca en la Resolución de problemas clínicos habituales en la internación, incluidos temas crónicos y de emergencias; se aborda lo más prevalente de cada una de las subespecialidades de la medicina interna, entre ellas la medicina perioperatoria, el delirio, la neumonía nosocomial, las infecciones urinarias, la diarrea por antibióticos, las controversias en el manejo del paciente con sepsis, el código sepsis, las asincronías en el paciente ventilado mecánicamente, la ventilación no invasiva y otros problemas que se presentan cotidianamente.

ISBN: 9789507623141
Autores: Gilbert

Descripción: La Guía Sanford de Tratamiento Antimicrobiano es publicada ininterrumpidamente desde hace ya 37 años. Se ha convertido en un clásico entre los libros de especialidades médicas y es uno de los pioneros en el formato de manual de bolsillo.

ISBN: 9780387922775
Autores: Prof. Vincent Jean-Louis

The Update compiles the most recent developments in experimental and clinical research and practice in one comprehensive reference book. The chapters are written by well recognized experts in the field of intensive care and emergency medicine.

ISBN: 9780387798295
Autores: Frankel Heidi, Boisblanc De Bennett

Bedside Procedures for the Intensivist delivers practical tips and clear step-by-step instruction on the most common procedures in the ICU The convenient and portable handbook focuses on ultrasound-guided techniques including an introduction to ultrasound

Bariatric Endoscopy

Precio COP $650.000

ISBN: 9781441917096
Autores: Thompson Christopher C.

To date, diet programs and medical therapies for the treatment of obesity have had limited success. Bariatric surgery, however, provides a means of effective weight loss for many of those with morbid obesity. Most of these weight loss procedures

Conn's Current Therapy 2007

Precio COP $199.000

ISBN: 9781416032816
Autores: Rakel Robert, Bope Edward

More than 300 leading practitioners from over 15 countries describe their preferred techniques for managing hundreds of common disorders affecting every organ system. For each condition, you'll find today's best treatments

ISBN: 9781416022138
Autores: Steinberg Daniel

Medical consultation is an integral part internal medicine specialists who practice in an inpatient setting.This pocket dbook helps you to provide timely and effective, evidence-based consultations and encountered clinical situations

Consulta Practica Parasitologia

Precio COP $17.000

ISBN: 978980127000
Autores: Pabón José H

El texto está dirigido a los estudiantes de pregrado de medicina, médicos generales y residentes de medicina en su primer año del postgrado, aunque también resulta útil para el personal de enfermería, paramédicos u otro personal de la rama de la salud.

Clinical Practice  2006

Precio COP $148.000

ISBN: 9780071471619
Autores: Solomon Caren, Drazen Jeffrey

The Clinical Practice series was introduced in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2001 to help meet the information needs of clinicians who want to remain up to date on a wide variety of problems commonly encountered in practice.

ISBN: 9781608310036
Autores: Foster Corey, Mistry Neville, Peddi Parvin, Sharma Shivak

Established for over 40 years as the "bible" of the medical ward. The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics is now in its Thirty-Third Edition and builds upon that proud tradition--with even more of the current information you need delivered

ISBN: 9780781781633
Autores: Henrich William

This book is an evidence-based review of the practical challenges of dealing with patients receiving dialysis The first section covers technical and procedural considerations such as choosing the hemodialysis membrane and choosing the best dialysis option

Manual Of Nephrology 7Ed.

Precio COP $143.000

ISBN: 9780781796194
Autores: Schrier Robert

Now in its Seventh Edition, this best-selling Spiral Manual is a practical quick-reference guide to the diagnosis and treatment of renal disorders. The book covers all common renal problems in a user-friendly outline format designed for rapid information

ISBN: 9780781781657
Autores: Smith David

Field Guide to Bedside Diagnosis, Second Edition enables students and physicians to navigate from the patient's symptoms and presenting signs to the diagnosis. The book covers 139 chief complaints and signs and is organized to parallel the diagnostic

Critical pathways in cardiology

Precio COP $199.000

ISBN: 9780781726214
Autores: Cannon

Critical pathways answer the need for delivering cost-effective medical care while maintaining the quality of patient care. This volume focuses on critical pathways in cardiology. The book begins with an overview of how to implement the pathways,

Valvular heart disease

Precio COP $100.000

ISBN: 9781840761368
Autores: Andrus Bruce W, Baldwin John C

The study of valvular heart disease has progressed rapidly over the past two decades. The understanding of etiology and natural history, the precision of noninvasive assessment, and the surgical and interventional management of valve disease

Autores: Claudia Arias, Jorge Hidalgo, Javier Perez-Fernandez
ISBN: 9789585577862
Idioma: Inglés

Our approach to patient care, teaching, and medical investigation are energized fundamentally by our clinical practice. In turn, our practice is informed, animated, and balanced by the information and environment arising around learning and research. Clinical excellence is founded on careful history-taking, physical examination, and laboratory testing. These data raise questions concerning the patient’s disease mechanisms, upon which a complete, prioritized differential diagnosis is formulated and a treatment plan initiated.

ISBN: 9780849337178
Autores: Lynch Joseph P, Ross David J

A comprehensive review of clinical and exploratory aspects of lung (LT) and heart-lung transplantation (HLT), this reference focuses on cumulative data from the International Registry with data on outcomes associated with LT and HLT worldwide.



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