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  • Categorías: Ciencias Básicas
  • Categorías: Cirugía
  • Categorías: Fisiología
  • Categorías: Oncología
  • Categorías: Ortopedia

ISBN: 9780781769723
Autores: Szpalski Marek, Gunzburg Robert, Le Huec Jean Charles, Brayda Bruno Marco

Written by an international group of expert spine surgeons, this volume thoroughly examines new nonfusion technologies for treating spinal degenerative conditions while preserving motion. Major sections describe various surgical techniques

Rol de las imágenes en cardio-oncología

Precio base COP $159.000 -15% Precio COP $135.150

ISBN: 9786287673335
Autor: Pamela Rojo, Silvia Makhoul

Los avances en el diagnóstico precoz del cáncer y las terapias antitumorales han dado lugar a un aumento exponencial en el número de pacientes oncológicos que sobreviven a largo plazo o se mantienen en situación estable, bajo tratamiento activo, durante años. Sin embargo, estos pacientes se enfrentan al riesgo de presentar complicaciones cardiovasculares derivadas de los tratamientos del cáncer, que pueden ser prevenibles y tratables si se identifican de forma precoz.

Breast Imaging 3Ed.

Precio COP $588.000

ISBN: 9780781747684
Autores: Kopans Daniel

Dr. Kopans' best-selling text and reference on breast imaging is now in its thoroughly revised updated Third Edition The author combines a complete superbly illustrated atlas of imaging findings with a comprehensive text that covers all imaging modalities

Abordaje y manejo de las heridas

Precio COP $148.000

ISBN: 9786074433395
Autores: Contreras Ruis José

Una herida cualquiera, por simple que parezca merece atención desuñada ad hoc desde el primer momento El abordaje y tratamiento comprenden no solo la sintomatología sino la consideración de elementos etiopatogénicos la coexistencia de problemas sintéticos

Cancer and Pregnancy

Precio COP $397.000

ISBN: 9783540712725
Autores: Surbone Antonella, Peccatori Fedro, Pavlidis Nicholas

This book is written by experts with clinical expertise on diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of women with cancer during pregnancy. It provides a comprehensive review of data and an overview of psychological, ethical, and social aspects.

ISBN: 9780323039383
Autores: Bready Lois

Get fast answers to more than 220 anesthetic management problems with Decision Making in Anesthesiology! This fully revised and updated fourth edition examines vital topics in pre-anesthesia assessment, pre-operative problems, resuscitation,

Oku trauma 2

Precio COP $0

ISBN: 9788495670144
Autores: Kellam James

El objetivo de OKU. Actualizaciones en cirugía ortopédica y traumatología: Trauma 2 de la American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons es proporcionar un compendio útil, completo y accesible sobre las especialidades de traumatología y ortopedia

ISBN: 9780849337178
Autores: Lynch Joseph P, Ross David J

A comprehensive review of clinical and exploratory aspects of lung (LT) and heart-lung transplantation (HLT), this reference focuses on cumulative data from the International Registry with data on outcomes associated with LT and HLT worldwide.

ISBN: 9781848821842
Autores: Bisognano John. D, Baker Marc L, Earley Mary Beth

Practical simple reference for understanding current management of heart failure Provides pathophysiology and pharmacology to explain the key points Focuses mostly on patient management issues

ISBN: 9781605474311
Autores: Chabner Bruce, Longo Dan

Updated to include the newest drugs and those currently in development, Cancer Chemotherapy and Biotherapy, Fifth Edition is a comprehensive reference on the preclinical and clinical pharmacology of anticancer agents. Organized by drug class

ISBN: 9783319153551
Autores: Lucchese Marcello, Scopinaro Nicola

This book explains the concept of metabolic surgery and provides step-by-step descriptions of all the principal minimally invasive surgical techniques employed to treat morbid obesity The approach adopted is very practical. For each procedure, indications

Vertebral Tumors

Precio COP $311.000

ISBN: 9780781788670
Autores: Gunzburg Robert, Szpalskimarek, Aebi Max

This volume is a comprehensive review of the state of the art in the management of spinal tumors. Leading experts from the United States, Europe, and India present the latest concepts and findings on the epidemiology, classification, diagnosis, radiation

ISBN: 9780781795586
Autores: Abraham Jame, Gulley James, Allegra Carmen

Written by clinicians from the National Cancer Institute and other leading institutions, this comprehensive, clear, concise oncology handbook is designed specifically for quick bedside consultation. It covers all malignancies and offers busy clinicians

Physics Of Radiation Therapy 4Ed.

Precio COP $487.000

ISBN: 9780781788564
Autores: Khan Faiz

Dr. Khan's classic textbook on radiation oncology physics is now in its thoroughly revised and updated Fourth Edition. It provides the entire radiation therapy team--radiation oncologists, medical physicists, dosimetrists, and radiation therapists

Breast Imaging Companion 3Ed.

Precio COP $212.000

ISBN: 9780781764919
Autores: Cardenosa Gilda

The top-selling title in our Imaging Companion Series is now in its revised, updated Third Edition. Featuring over 1,000 large, clear images accompanied by brief, bulleted "key facts," this how-to book provides everything readers need to obtain high-

ISBN: 9781626231634
Autores: Ali A Baaj, Praveen V. Mummaneni, Juan S. Uribe, Alexander R. Vaccaro, Mark S. Greenberg

Handbook of Spine Surgery, Second Edition, is a completely updated and comprehensive reference that distills the basic principles of contemporary spine surgery. Its coverage of both principles and techniques makes it an excellent refresher before surgery or a valuable daily companion for residents and surgeons caring for patients with spinal disorders.

ISBN: 9781607615231
Autores: Stewart David

Defining the Lung Cancer Problem 1 Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the world. It kills almost as many Americans as cancers of the breast, prostate, colon, rectum, pancreas, and 2 kidney combined, and accounts for 28.6% of all US cancer deaths. With an increase in the 5-year relative survival rate from 13%

Radiation oncology 9ed.

Precio COP $399.000

ISBN: 9780323049719
Autores: Cox James

Radiation Oncology: provides you with authoritative guidance on the latest methods for using radiotherapy to treat patients with cancer. Progressing from fundamental principles through specific treatment strategies for the cancers of each organ system,

ISBN: 9780323039789
Autores: Disaia Philip

Thanks to improved detection technologies, early diagnosis and treatment and innovative research the outlook for gynecologic oncology patients is improving every day. Offer your patients diagnosis and management with help of this reference on gynecologic

ISBN: 9788471016515
Autores: Rosenberg Barrack

Considerado uno de los especialistas mas importantes en la cirugía ortopédica de la cadera, el Prof. Barrack en esta obra, describe sus técnicas preferidas, paso a paso y con todo detalle, explicando indicaciones y contraindicaciones de cada una de ellas, identificando las posibles dificultades y potenciales complicaciones, y ofreciéndonos



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