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  • Categorías: Cirugía
  • Categorías: Neurocirugía
  • Categorías: Neurología
  • Categorías: Ortopedia

Abordaje y manejo de las heridas

Precio COP $148.000

ISBN: 9786074433395
Autores: Contreras Ruis José

Una herida cualquiera, por simple que parezca merece atención desuñada ad hoc desde el primer momento El abordaje y tratamiento comprenden no solo la sintomatología sino la consideración de elementos etiopatogénicos la coexistencia de problemas sintéticos

ISBN: 9780323039383
Autores: Bready Lois

Get fast answers to more than 220 anesthetic management problems with Decision Making in Anesthesiology! This fully revised and updated fourth edition examines vital topics in pre-anesthesia assessment, pre-operative problems, resuscitation,

Oku trauma 2

Precio COP $0

ISBN: 9788495670144
Autores: Kellam James

El objetivo de OKU. Actualizaciones en cirugía ortopédica y traumatología: Trauma 2 de la American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons es proporcionar un compendio útil, completo y accesible sobre las especialidades de traumatología y ortopedia

ISBN: 9780849337178
Autores: Lynch Joseph P, Ross David J

A comprehensive review of clinical and exploratory aspects of lung (LT) and heart-lung transplantation (HLT), this reference focuses on cumulative data from the International Registry with data on outcomes associated with LT and HLT worldwide.

ISBN: 9781848821842
Autores: Bisognano John. D, Baker Marc L, Earley Mary Beth

Practical simple reference for understanding current management of heart failure Provides pathophysiology and pharmacology to explain the key points Focuses mostly on patient management issues

ISBN: 9783319153551
Autores: Lucchese Marcello, Scopinaro Nicola

This book explains the concept of metabolic surgery and provides step-by-step descriptions of all the principal minimally invasive surgical techniques employed to treat morbid obesity The approach adopted is very practical. For each procedure, indications

ISBN: 9781626231634
Autores: Ali A Baaj, Praveen V. Mummaneni, Juan S. Uribe, Alexander R. Vaccaro, Mark S. Greenberg

Handbook of Spine Surgery, Second Edition, is a completely updated and comprehensive reference that distills the basic principles of contemporary spine surgery. Its coverage of both principles and techniques makes it an excellent refresher before surgery or a valuable daily companion for residents and surgeons caring for patients with spinal disorders.

ISBN: 9781604068856
Autores: Walter Grand, L. Nelson Hopkins, Adnan Hussain Siddiqui, J Mocco

Four master neurosurgeons bring a wealth of collective neurosurgical and neuroendovascular experience to this remarkable reference book, which melds a detailed anatomical atlas with clinical applications.

ISBN: 9781626230347
Autores: Peter Gerszten (Editor), Samuel Ryu

Spine Radiosurgery, Second Edition, is a comprehensive text that includes discussions of the latest devices, treatment planning techniques, target definition, and patient selection in this specialty. Written by leading experts in the fields of neurosurgery, radiation oncology, and medical physics, this book is the definitive reference for clinical applications of state-of-the-art radiosurgery of the spine.

Neuro-Oncology The Essentials

Precio COP $345.000

ISBN: 9780865778801
Autores: Mark Bernstein, Mitchel S. Berger

From the Back Cover: Neuro-Oncology: The Essentials, Third Edition, is a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental science and core clinical concepts behind the successful multidisciplinary management of patients with brain and spine tumors. Among the updates to this new edition are eight new chapter topics, including: Endoscopic Approaches, Pediatric Supratentorial Tumors, and Neuro-Oncology in the Developing World

ISBN: 9788471016515
Autores: Rosenberg Barrack

Considerado uno de los especialistas mas importantes en la cirugía ortopédica de la cadera, el Prof. Barrack en esta obra, describe sus técnicas preferidas, paso a paso y con todo detalle, explicando indicaciones y contraindicaciones de cada una de ellas, identificando las posibles dificultades y potenciales complicaciones, y ofreciéndonos

Funcion Articular

Precio COP $25.000

ISBN: 9788471015778
Autores: Cailliet Rene

Aspectos de la anatomía funcional. Anatomía funcional de la columna lumbosacra. Anatomía funcional de la columna cervical. Anatomía funcional del hombro. Anatomía funcional del codo, la muñeca, la mano y los dedos. Anatomía funcional de la rodilla.

ISBN: 9780781787468
Autores: Sadock Benjamin, Alcott Sadock Virginia

This concise textbook is ideal for any student or health care professional who needs an authoritative, readable, affordable text that is sharply focused on clinical psychiatry. It contains the most relevant clinical material from the best-selling Kaplan

ISBN: 9780781762854
Autores: Hosenpud Jeffrey, Greenberg Barry

Written by recognized leaders in the field, Congestive Heart Failure, Third Edition is a comprehensive, state-of-the-art reference on all basic and clinical aspects of heart failure. Coverage includes an entire section on pharmacologic therapy

ISBN: 9780415458955
Autores: Marghoob Ashfaq A, Malvehy Josep, Braun Ralph P

Building on a successful first edition, this revised and extended Atlas of Dermoscopy demonstrates the state of the art of how to use dermoscopy to detect and diagnose lesions of the skin, with a special emphasis on malignant skin tumours.

ISBN: 9786287673045
Autores: María Teresa Mejía Martínez, Julio César Mijangos Méndez

Esta obra es la segunda entrega de la serie Capítulos Selectos en Medicina Crítica y Cuidados Intensivos del Colegio Mexicano de Medicina Crítica, cuya intención es reflejar y poner de manifiesto un fragmento de la actividad académica que realizan los grupos de trabajo dentro de esta cincuentenaria institución, siendo el capítulo de cuidados neurocríticos el responsable de este trabajo en particular.

Atlas of Pediatric Brain Tumors

Precio COP $416.000

ISBN: 9781441910615
Autores: Adesina Adekunle, Tihan Tarik, Fuller Christine, Poussaint Tina Young

Recent evidence indicates that the physiology and response to various drugs in the pediatric population differs from that of the adult and must be appreciated to be able to fully address the health need of the pediatric population Atlas of Pediatric Brain Tumors covers areas ranging from neuroimaging the use of crush and touch preps during introperative

Vertebral Tumors

Precio COP $311.000

ISBN: 9780781788670
Autores: Gunzburg Robert, Szpalskimarek, Aebi Max

This volume is a comprehensive review of the state of the art in the management of spinal tumors. Leading experts from the United States, Europe, and India present the latest concepts and findings on the epidemiology, classification, diagnosis, radiation

Autor: Godoy

El accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) continúa siendo una de las mayores causas de mortalidad y de secuelas invalidantes tanto en adultos jóvenes como mayores. El costo de los cuidados muchas veces de por vida, de pacientes que sufren un ACV y quedan con secuelas es muy alto. Desde hace décadas se está trabajando en todo el mundo y a diferentes niveles intentando mejorar los malos resultados. por lo tanto todo trabajo de investigación, revisión y puesta al día sobre esta gran patología es bienvenido. El libro de los interrogantes acerca del ACV tiene la particularidad del encare que le da el tema.



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