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  • Categorías: Anatomía
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Muerte Súbita. Consideraciones Clínicas y Algoritmos de Tratamiento

Precio base COP $129.000 -30% Precio COP $90.300

ISBN: 9786287673212
Autor: Luis Daniel Sánchez Arreola, MD

Muerte súbita. Consideraciones clínicas y algoritmos de tratamiento, obra liderada por el Dr. Daniel Sánchez-Arreola, médico urgenciólogo y expresidente de Ia Sociedad Mexicana de Medicina de Emergencia (SMME), representa un gran esfuerzo de expertos colaboradores y especialistas en sus áreas, que conforman el Grupo de Interés de Cuidados Cardiovasculares de Emergencia (GICCE).

ISBN: 9781405104876
Autores: Bisanzo Mark, Bhatia Kriti, Filbin Michael

Emergency Management of the Trauma Patient: Cases, Algorithms, Evidence provides a practical and realistic approach to managing a trauma code with a complete review of ATLS protocols. Each chapter begins with the presentation of a trauma scenario

ISBN: 9780781766456
Autores: Peacock W. Frank

This handbook, under the auspices of the Society of Chest Pain Centers, is the first roadmap to treatment of heart failure patients in an observation unit. It gives practitioners a full understanding of the medical requirements, administrative processes

ISBN: 9780781771726
Autores: Schaider Jeffrey , Hayden Stephen, Wolfe Richard, Barkin Roger, Rosen Peter

This best-selling emergency department reference is now in its thoroughly updated Third Edition. The foremost authorities provide practical information on over 600 clinical problems in a fast-access two-page outline format that's perfect

Critical pathways in cardiology

Precio COP $199.000

ISBN: 9780781726214
Autores: Cannon

Critical pathways answer the need for delivering cost-effective medical care while maintaining the quality of patient care. This volume focuses on critical pathways in cardiology. The book begins with an overview of how to implement the pathways,

Hot topics in surgical, critical care, trauma and emergency general surgery

Precio base COP $167.000 -15% Precio COP $141.950

ISBN: 9786287673311
Autor: Paula Ferrada

Discover the cutting-edge advancements in trauma, emergency general surgery, and surgical critical care with our latest book, “Hot Topics in Surgical Critical Care, Trauma, and Emergency General Surgery.” This comprehensive guide presents the latest developments in these Dynamic fields in an easy-to-understand format, complete with figures and step by-step protocols that are integral to our INOVA Trauma System. Our book offers invaluable insights into trauma care, prioritizing circulation, and our extensive experience with ECMO for trauma. 

ISBN: 9781588903488
Autores: Victor N. Cassar-Pullicino, Herwig Imhof

The diagnosis of trauma to the spine -- where the slightest oversight may have catastrophic results -- requires a thorough grasp of the spectrum of resultant pathology as well as the imaging modalities used in making an accurate diagnosis. In Spinal Trauma, the internationally renowned team of experts provides a comprehensive, cutting-edge exposition of the current vital role of imaging in the diagnosis and treatment of injuries to the axial skeleton

Mayo Clinic Medical Manual

Precio COP $190.000

ISBN: 9780849390876
Autores: Oliveira Guilherme H.M, Nesbitt Gillian C, Murphy J.G

If you're a physician on call, you need a diagnosis and treatment guide to help you make quick and accurate decisions-one that's comprehensive concise. Now, for the first time, the new Mayo Clinic Medical Manual provides just the right information

ISBN: 9781626231634
Autores: Ali A Baaj, Praveen V. Mummaneni, Juan S. Uribe, Alexander R. Vaccaro, Mark S. Greenberg

Handbook of Spine Surgery, Second Edition, is a completely updated and comprehensive reference that distills the basic principles of contemporary spine surgery. Its coverage of both principles and techniques makes it an excellent refresher before surgery or a valuable daily companion for residents and surgeons caring for patients with spinal disorders.

ISBN: 9781848001701
Autores: Gertsch Marc

For every physician that interprets ECGs, there is great need to understand a vast amount of information regarding the technique. That the basics of the technique have changed little over the last 100 years means that there is a huge amount of subtle

Handbook of Skull Base Surgery

Precio COP $416.000

ISBN: 9781626230255
Autores: Antonio Di Ieva, John Lee, Michael Cusimano

Handbook of Skull Base Surgery is a state-of-the-art surgical guide that provides clinicians and surgeons with step-by-step instructions on how to perform microscopic and endoscopic procedures. Encompassing the entire skull base, this handbook is designed for busy residents and clinicians seeking to hone their surgical skills. It presents a multidisciplinary approach to the pathologies, diagnosis, and management of skull base lesions.

ISBN: 9781626232235
Autores: Luiz Roberto Gomes Vialle, F.C. Öner, Alexander R. Vaccaro

This fifth volume in the AOSpine Masters Series presents a detailed analysis of the essential aspects of managing the most common cervical spine injuries. World-renowned cervical spine experts discuss anatomy, biomechanics, patient evaluation, and critical steps in the decision-making process for the treatment of these complex injuries

Manual de emergencias oncológicas: Fundamentos de manejo

Precio base COP $89.000 -15% Precio COP $75.650

Autores: Joseph L. Nates, MD, MBA, CMQ, MCCM;

Yenny Rocío Cárdenas Bolívar, MD, MS;

Freddy Morales Álava, MD;

Agamenón Quintero Villareal, MD

Este manual de emergencias oncológicas viene a ocupar un vacío existente en la literatura de emergencias y realidad latinoamericana. Simultáneamente, esta herramienta clínica se ha creado como base para el curso de emergencias oncológicas de la Federación Panamericana e Ibérica de Medicina Crítica y Terapia Intensiva (FEPIMCTI) en colaboración con la red de investigación de medicina crítica oncológica ONCCC-R-NET (Oncologic Critical Care Research Network), aunque se puede usar de manera independiente.

ISBN: 9780387733289
Autores: Twersky Rebecca, Philip Beverly

This second edition of the Handbook of Ambulatory Anesthesia has been completely updated and expanded to reflect current practice guidelines and trends in ambulatory anesthesia. This practical manual covers preoperative evaluation, patient and procedure

Disaster medicine

Precio COP $287.500

ISBN: 9780323032537
Autores: Ciottone Gregory

Editor in Chief, Dr. Gregory Ciottone, bring you this brand-new reference which comprehensive yet guidance on the preparation, assessment and management of a full range of disasters both natural and man-made (terrorist attacks and the biological warfare)

El niño urgente

Precio base COP $199.000 -25% Precio COP $149.250

Autores: Pedro Sierra Rodríguez, MD Profesores, Departamento de Pediatría, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

¿Por qué comprar este libro? En primer lugar, los capítulos tienen algoritmos que facilitan el manejo médico; en segundo lugar, los autores son profesionales dedicados a la docencia universitaria con varios años de experiencia y con una mirada amplia desde la academia; y en tercer lugar, todos los capítulos cuentan con un examen final para valorar el aprendizaje de los lectores, por lo que es muy útil como texto guía en las escuelas de medicina.

Neurovascular Surgery 2nd Edition

Precio COP $1.280.000

ISBN: 9781604067590
Autores: Robert F. Spetzler, M. Yashar Kalani, Peter Nakaji

The complex, highly technological field of neurovascular surgery is quickly expanding, encompassing traditional surgical approaches, as well as endovascular and neurointerventional techniques. The last decade has seen increased cross-specialty interest in utilizing minimally invasive techniques to help prevent and treat cerebrovascular disease.

ISBN: 9781604068399
Autores: Timo Krings, Sasikhan Geibprasert, Karel Ter Brugge

his case-based book presents detailed information on neurovascular anatomy in concise, easily digestible chapters that focus on the importance of understanding anatomy when performing neurointerventional procedures. The case discussions include modern examples of invasive and non-invasive angiographic techniques that are relevant for general radiologists and diagnostic neuroradiologists as well as interventionalists.

ISBN: 9781416039976
Autores: Hines Roberta, Marschall Katherine

This practical covers of the most critical clinically relevant topics from Anesthesia The edition presents the results of the latest clinical trials to help you make the most effective clinical decisions and illustrations aid in clarifying complex concept

ISBN: 9781626233478
Autores: Mark Shaya, Cristian Gragnaniello, Remi Nader

Essential prep for maintenance of certification exams as well as neurosurgery boards Comprehensive, but small enough to take on rounds, the updated second edition of this popular neurosurgical board review provides a robust study companion for the American Board of Neurological Surgery (ABNS) primary examination.

Geriatric Anesthesia

Precio COP $253.000

ISBN: 9780071463089
Autores: Sieber Frederick

Before the day of your operation you will be given instructions about eating and drinking for a specified number of hours before your surgery It may be extremely important for you to continue some of your medications such as those for heart blood pressure

Neurosurgery Knowledge Update

Precio COP $800.000

ISBN: 9781626230361
Autores: Robert Harbaugh, Christopher I. Shaffrey, William T. Couldwell, Mitchel S. Berger

Certification from the American Board of Neurological Surgeons (ABNS) is the gold standard for certification of neurosurgeons practicing in the U.S. This text is the most up-to-date board review guide for neurosurgeons. It features actual cases, over 300 high-quality illustrations and images, clinical overviews, and a Q and A that mimics the ABNS exam format.

ISBN: 9788471013392
Autores: Twining Mr Peter

El texto se acompaña de excelentes imágenes ecográficas que contribuyen a clarificar el proceso de detección de una determinada anormalidad, a la que se han añadido, cuando era necesario, su correspondiente correlación anatomopatológica.

Neurosurgery Board Review

Precio COP $288.000

ISBN: 9781626231047
Autores: Cargill H. Alleyne, M. Neil Woodall, Jonathan Stuart Citow

Designed to evaluate candidates' expertise and provide direction for continued learning, the American Board of Neurological Surgery (ABNS) primary (written) examination is a required step to attaining board certification in the U.S. The rigorous exam requires substantial preparation.



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