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  • Categorías: Dermatología
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  • Categorías: Urgencias

Atlas Of Vulvar Disease  2Ed

Precio COP $236.000

ISBN: 9780781789394
Autores: Wilkinson Edward, Stone I. Keith

Designed for quick, easy reference in the office or clinic, this atlas is a pictorial and textual guide to the diagnosis, treatment, and management of vulvar diseases. Full-color clinical photographs and relevant histopathologic photographs illustrate

ISBN: 9788493531898
Autores: Sanderson Haldane John Burdon

Sauer Manual de enfermedades de la piel es una obra dirigida a estudiantes de medicina, residentes y médicos en general. Contiene capítulos dedicados al diagnóstico y al tratamiento de las enfermedades cutáneas más frecuentes e importantes

Terapia dermatológica 3 ed.

Precio COP $65.000

ISBN: 9789589076477
Autores: Zuluaga Angela

Un libro de terapia, que ya llega a su tercera edición, demuestra que este tipo de obras son de suma importancia y tienen un sinnúmero de lectores en la medicina colombiana, especialmente en el grupo de dermatólogos colombianos.

ISBN: 9780415702171
Autores: Litt Jerome Z

The most widely acclaimed resource for primary physicians, practicing dermatologists, and hospital consultants, now expanded and improved. This updated and enlarged edition perfectly answers the busy physician's need for a comprehensive,

ISBN: 9780415458955
Autores: Marghoob Ashfaq A, Malvehy Josep, Braun Ralph P

Building on a successful first edition, this revised and extended Atlas of Dermoscopy demonstrates the state of the art of how to use dermoscopy to detect and diagnose lesions of the skin, with a special emphasis on malignant skin tumours.

Hot topics in surgical, critical care, trauma and emergency general surgery

Precio base COP $167.000 -15% Precio COP $141.950

ISBN: 9786287673311
Autor: Paula Ferrada

Discover the cutting-edge advancements in trauma, emergency general surgery, and surgical critical care with our latest book, “Hot Topics in Surgical Critical Care, Trauma, and Emergency General Surgery.” This comprehensive guide presents the latest developments in these Dynamic fields in an easy-to-understand format, complete with figures and step by-step protocols that are integral to our INOVA Trauma System. Our book offers invaluable insights into trauma care, prioritizing circulation, and our extensive experience with ECMO for trauma. 

Muerte Súbita. Consideraciones Clínicas y Algoritmos de Tratamiento

Precio base COP $129.000 -30% Precio COP $90.300

ISBN: 9786287673212
Autor: Luis Daniel Sánchez Arreola, MD

Muerte súbita. Consideraciones clínicas y algoritmos de tratamiento, obra liderada por el Dr. Daniel Sánchez-Arreola, médico urgenciólogo y expresidente de Ia Sociedad Mexicana de Medicina de Emergencia (SMME), representa un gran esfuerzo de expertos colaboradores y especialistas en sus áreas, que conforman el Grupo de Interés de Cuidados Cardiovasculares de Emergencia (GICCE).

ISBN: 9781405104876
Autores: Bisanzo Mark, Bhatia Kriti, Filbin Michael

Emergency Management of the Trauma Patient: Cases, Algorithms, Evidence provides a practical and realistic approach to managing a trauma code with a complete review of ATLS protocols. Each chapter begins with the presentation of a trauma scenario

ISBN: 9780781766456
Autores: Peacock W. Frank

This handbook, under the auspices of the Society of Chest Pain Centers, is the first roadmap to treatment of heart failure patients in an observation unit. It gives practitioners a full understanding of the medical requirements, administrative processes

ISBN: 9780781771726
Autores: Schaider Jeffrey , Hayden Stephen, Wolfe Richard, Barkin Roger, Rosen Peter

This best-selling emergency department reference is now in its thoroughly updated Third Edition. The foremost authorities provide practical information on over 600 clinical problems in a fast-access two-page outline format that's perfect

Critical pathways in cardiology

Precio COP $199.000

ISBN: 9780781726214
Autores: Cannon

Critical pathways answer the need for delivering cost-effective medical care while maintaining the quality of patient care. This volume focuses on critical pathways in cardiology. The book begins with an overview of how to implement the pathways,

Mayo Clinic Medical Manual

Precio COP $190.000

ISBN: 9780849390876
Autores: Oliveira Guilherme H.M, Nesbitt Gillian C, Murphy J.G

If you're a physician on call, you need a diagnosis and treatment guide to help you make quick and accurate decisions-one that's comprehensive concise. Now, for the first time, the new Mayo Clinic Medical Manual provides just the right information

ISBN: 9781848001701
Autores: Gertsch Marc

For every physician that interprets ECGs, there is great need to understand a vast amount of information regarding the technique. That the basics of the technique have changed little over the last 100 years means that there is a huge amount of subtle

Manual de emergencias oncológicas: Fundamentos de manejo

Precio base COP $89.000 -15% Precio COP $75.650

Autores: Joseph L. Nates, MD, MBA, CMQ, MCCM;

Yenny Rocío Cárdenas Bolívar, MD, MS;

Freddy Morales Álava, MD;

Agamenón Quintero Villareal, MD

Este manual de emergencias oncológicas viene a ocupar un vacío existente en la literatura de emergencias y realidad latinoamericana. Simultáneamente, esta herramienta clínica se ha creado como base para el curso de emergencias oncológicas de la Federación Panamericana e Ibérica de Medicina Crítica y Terapia Intensiva (FEPIMCTI) en colaboración con la red de investigación de medicina crítica oncológica ONCCC-R-NET (Oncologic Critical Care Research Network), aunque se puede usar de manera independiente.

ISBN: 9781604068856
Autores: Walter Grand, L. Nelson Hopkins, Adnan Hussain Siddiqui, J Mocco

Four master neurosurgeons bring a wealth of collective neurosurgical and neuroendovascular experience to this remarkable reference book, which melds a detailed anatomical atlas with clinical applications.

El niño urgente

Precio base COP $199.000 -25% Precio COP $149.250

Autores: Pedro Sierra Rodríguez, MD Profesores, Departamento de Pediatría, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

¿Por qué comprar este libro? En primer lugar, los capítulos tienen algoritmos que facilitan el manejo médico; en segundo lugar, los autores son profesionales dedicados a la docencia universitaria con varios años de experiencia y con una mirada amplia desde la academia; y en tercer lugar, todos los capítulos cuentan con un examen final para valorar el aprendizaje de los lectores, por lo que es muy útil como texto guía en las escuelas de medicina.

ISBN: 9781626230347
Autores: Peter Gerszten (Editor), Samuel Ryu

Spine Radiosurgery, Second Edition, is a comprehensive text that includes discussions of the latest devices, treatment planning techniques, target definition, and patient selection in this specialty. Written by leading experts in the fields of neurosurgery, radiation oncology, and medical physics, this book is the definitive reference for clinical applications of state-of-the-art radiosurgery of the spine.

Neuro-Oncology The Essentials

Precio COP $345.000

ISBN: 9780865778801
Autores: Mark Bernstein, Mitchel S. Berger

From the Back Cover: Neuro-Oncology: The Essentials, Third Edition, is a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental science and core clinical concepts behind the successful multidisciplinary management of patients with brain and spine tumors. Among the updates to this new edition are eight new chapter topics, including: Endoscopic Approaches, Pediatric Supratentorial Tumors, and Neuro-Oncology in the Developing World

ISBN: 9780071436816
Autores: Clark Luther

Understand the link between diabetes and cardiovascular disease - with this quick-access clinical guide. This guide takes you step-by-step through the evaluation and treatment of cardiovascular disease in diabetes patients.

Oncology of CNS Tumors 2Ed.

Precio COP $511.000

ISBN: 9783642028731
Autores: Tonn Jörg-Christian, Westphal Manfred, Rutka James T

Knowledge about the etiology and diagnosis as well as treatment concepts of neu- oncologic diseases is rapidly growing. This turnover of knowledge makes it dif? cult for the physician engaged in the treatment to keep up to date with current therapies.

ISBN: 9780781775960
Autores: Ioachim Harry, Medeiros Jeffrey

Now in its Fourth Edition, this comprehensive, practical, and thoroughly illustrated reference offers valuable guidance in the diagnostic interpretation of lymph node biopsies. It provides encyclopedic coverage of all the various nonmalignant lesions

Atlas of Pediatric Brain Tumors

Precio COP $416.000

ISBN: 9781441910615
Autores: Adesina Adekunle, Tihan Tarik, Fuller Christine, Poussaint Tina Young

Recent evidence indicates that the physiology and response to various drugs in the pediatric population differs from that of the adult and must be appreciated to be able to fully address the health need of the pediatric population Atlas of Pediatric Brain Tumors covers areas ranging from neuroimaging the use of crush and touch preps during introperative

ISBN: 9780781769372
Autores: Gibbs Ronald, Karlanbeth, Haney, Nygaard Ingrid

A core reference for residents and practitioners for over 40 years, Danforth's Obstetrics and Gynecology is now in its Tenth Edition-thoroughly revised and reorganized to provide complete, authoritative coverage of the modern clinical practice

ISBN: 9780781787468
Autores: Sadock Benjamin, Alcott Sadock Virginia

This concise textbook is ideal for any student or health care professional who needs an authoritative, readable, affordable text that is sharply focused on clinical psychiatry. It contains the most relevant clinical material from the best-selling Kaplan

Bone marrow pathology 4 ed.

Precio COP $449.900

ISBN: 9781405168250
Autores: Bain Barbara Jane, Clark David M, Wilkins Bridget S

This book is excellent. Haematopathology can be daunting and the study of bone marrows especially so. The authors deserve credit for producing a book that is not only easy to read and understand, but is also a compact, detailed and exhaustive guide.

ISBN: 9780781762854
Autores: Hosenpud Jeffrey, Greenberg Barry

Written by recognized leaders in the field, Congestive Heart Failure, Third Edition is a comprehensive, state-of-the-art reference on all basic and clinical aspects of heart failure. Coverage includes an entire section on pharmacologic therapy



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