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  • Categorías: Dermatología
  • Categorías: Patología
  • Categorías: Pediatría
  • Formato: Impreso

ISBN: 9781451108620
Autores: Cloherty John P.

This Spiral(R) Manual provides a practical approach to the diagnosis and medical management of newborns. Chapters cover maternal, fetal, and neonatal problems and common neonatal procedures. An outline format provides quick access to a large amount

ISBN: 9781608313815
Autores: Cabaniss Micki, Ross Michael

Thoroughly updated for its Second Edition, Fetal Monitoring Interpretation describes and illustrates the full range of patterns revealed by fetal monitoring and explains their clinical significance. The book uses case studies and high-quality tracings

ISBN: 9780781785006
Autores: Driscoll

Based on Dr. Driscoll's thirty years of successful bedside teaching at the Mayo Clinic, Fundamentals of Pediatric Cardiology is the ideal textbook for residents in pediatrics, family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatric and adult cardiology

ISBN: 9780781771726
Autores: Schaider Jeffrey , Hayden Stephen, Wolfe Richard, Barkin Roger, Rosen Peter

This best-selling emergency department reference is now in its thoroughly updated Third Edition. The foremost authorities provide practical information on over 600 clinical problems in a fast-access two-page outline format that's perfect

ISBN: 9786074430608
Autores: Taketomo

El manual de referencia farmacológica de LEXI-COMP - El Manual de prescripción pediátrica de Lexi-Comp sigue siendo la publicación más confiable para dosificación en neonatos lactantes y niños Esta guía práctica y útil está organizada en secciones fáciles

Atlas Of Vulvar Disease  2Ed

Precio COP $236.000

ISBN: 9780781789394
Autores: Wilkinson Edward, Stone I. Keith

Designed for quick, easy reference in the office or clinic, this atlas is a pictorial and textual guide to the diagnosis, treatment, and management of vulvar diseases. Full-color clinical photographs and relevant histopathologic photographs illustrate

ISBN: 9780323012812
Autores: Ungerleider Ross, Nichols David, Spevak Philip,. Greeley William, Cameron Duke, Lappe Dorothy, Wetzel Randall

Pediatric intensivists, cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, and anesthesiologists from the leading centers around the world present the collaborative perspectives, concepts, and state-of-the-art knowledge required to care for children with congenital

ISBN: 9786077618157
Autores: Gonzales De La Torre Carlos

La importancia del equipo y podemos asegurar que muy pocos centros de implantación coclear tiene la oportunidad de garantizar su permanencia en beneficio de quienes acudan y accedan a un programa consolidado para resolver problemas auditivos

Tuberculosis en niños y jóvenes

Precio COP $111.000

ISBN: 9788538801849
Autores: Clemax Couto Sant`Anna

La presente publicación llega en un momento oportuno coordinado por los Profesores Clemax Sant'Anna y Magnolia Arango. La selección de tópicos de interés clínico y diagnóstico es muy acertada y muestra sus dificultades en el grupo etario infantil

Terapia dermatológica 3 ed.

Precio COP $65.000

ISBN: 9789589076477
Autores: Zuluaga Angela

Un libro de terapia, que ya llega a su tercera edición, demuestra que este tipo de obras son de suma importancia y tienen un sinnúmero de lectores en la medicina colombiana, especialmente en el grupo de dermatólogos colombianos.

ISBN: 9789507623202
Autores: Bradley John

Especialidad: Asma, atención primaria, infectologia, inmunología, medicina familiar, medicina interna, neumología, pediatría, pediatría ambulatoria, salud pública, sida, terapia intensiva Descripción: Esta nueva edición mantiene el tradicional formato de libro de bolsillo de la primera edición publicada en 1975

ISBN: 9780415702171
Autores: Litt Jerome Z

The most widely acclaimed resource for primary physicians, practicing dermatologists, and hospital consultants, now expanded and improved. This updated and enlarged edition perfectly answers the busy physician's need for a comprehensive,

ISBN: 9780415458955
Autores: Marghoob Ashfaq A, Malvehy Josep, Braun Ralph P

Building on a successful first edition, this revised and extended Atlas of Dermoscopy demonstrates the state of the art of how to use dermoscopy to detect and diagnose lesions of the skin, with a special emphasis on malignant skin tumours.

ISBN: 9781846289521
Autores: Munoz Ricardo, Vetterly Carol, Roth Stephen, Da Cruz Eduardo

This handbook of drugs used in pediatric cardiac care will satisfy the need for a quick reference source of common drug therapy. There are no major texts available in the field of pediatric cardiology that exclusively provide therapeutic drug information.

ISBN: 9781416039662
Autores: Weidner Noel, Cote Richard, Suster Saul, Weiss Lawrence

Online and in print Modern Surgical Pathology 2Ed present today most complet current and practical assistance in evaluating out surgical specimens 3000 high-quality pathology images provide a basis for comparison to any sample you see under the microscope

ISBN: 9781416034292
Autores: Kradin Richard

the Second Edition of Diagnostic Pathology: Infectious Disease, is an invaluable tool for the accurate diagnosis of any infectious disease from the common to the most challenging makes it an especially useful tool for surgical pathologists diagnostic

Comprehensive Cytopathology 3Ed.

Precio COP $750.000

ISBN: 9781416042082
Autores: Bibbo Marluce, Wilbur David

This book provides you with a comprehensive guide to the diagnostic applications of exfoliative and aspiration cytology. The book takes a systemic approach and covers the normal and abnormal cytological findings encountered in a particular organ.

ISBN: 9781931884280
Autores: Amin Mahul

Designed as an easy-to-use and comprehensive reference for the practicing pathologist, Diagnostic Pathology: Genitourinary is the highly anticipated title in the Diagnostic Pathology series offered by Amirsys.

ISBN: 9780781779425
Autores: Mills Stacey, Carter Darryl, Greenson Joel, Reuter Victor, Stoler Mark

Completely updated, the Fifth Edition of this standard-setting two-volume reference presents the most advanced diagnostic techniques and the latest information on all currently known disease entities. More than 90 preeminent surgical pathologists

ISBN: 9780781775960
Autores: Ioachim Harry, Medeiros Jeffrey

Now in its Fourth Edition, this comprehensive, practical, and thoroughly illustrated reference offers valuable guidance in the diagnostic interpretation of lymph node biopsies. It provides encyclopedic coverage of all the various nonmalignant lesions



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