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  • Categorías: Medicina General
  • Categorías: Neurocirugía
  • Categorías: Nutrición

Current Therapy in Pain

Precio COP $305.000

ISBN: 9781416048367
Autores: Gary Mccleane

This resource focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of painful conditions acute and chronic from a multi-disciplinary perspective Joined by a team of 200 international contributors representing a specialties

Farmacopea 23ed. Tarascon

Precio COP $36.000

ISBN: 9786074431087
Autores: Hamilton Richard

Obra de farmacoterapéutica que presenta los fármacos ordenados por especialidad, con un índice alfabetizado incluido al final del libro. ' Menciona los principios activos y nombres comerciales. En general, las dosis pediátricas están formuladas en mg/kg

ISBN: 9788481748772
Autores: Malamed Stanley

Quinta edición de una obra de referencia internacional práctica y actualizada que recoge toda la información necesaria para administrar de forma segura y eficiente la anestesia local en odontología Escrita por un líder en anestesia experto en esta materia

Intoxicaciones agudas graves

Precio COP $195.000

ISBN: 9788497511841
Autores: Marruecos Santalvar Luis

La intención de esta obra es la revisión y actualización de las Intoxicaciones Agudas Graves o potencialmente graves más frecuentes en nuestro medio, realizada por bioquímicos y médicos expertos en urgencias y emergencias

Autor: Godoy

El accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) continúa siendo una de las mayores causas de mortalidad y de secuelas invalidantes tanto en adultos jóvenes como mayores. El costo de los cuidados muchas veces de por vida, de pacientes que sufren un ACV y quedan con secuelas es muy alto. Desde hace décadas se está trabajando en todo el mundo y a diferentes niveles intentando mejorar los malos resultados. por lo tanto todo trabajo de investigación, revisión y puesta al día sobre esta gran patología es bienvenido. El libro de los interrogantes acerca del ACV tiene la particularidad del encare que le da el tema.

Autor: Hugo Villarroel-Ábrego,
ISBN: 9789585577152

Lecciones prácticas de hipertensión arterial es un libro de texto que busca dar orientación y respuestas rápidas a los clínicos y paramédicos involucrados en el cuidado de los pacientes hipertensos de todas las edades y en todos los escenarios posibles

Neurovascular Surgery 2nd Edition

Precio COP $1.280.000

ISBN: 9781604067590
Autores: Robert F. Spetzler, M. Yashar Kalani, Peter Nakaji

The complex, highly technological field of neurovascular surgery is quickly expanding, encompassing traditional surgical approaches, as well as endovascular and neurointerventional techniques. The last decade has seen increased cross-specialty interest in utilizing minimally invasive techniques to help prevent and treat cerebrovascular disease.

ISBN: 9781604068399
Autores: Timo Krings, Sasikhan Geibprasert, Karel Ter Brugge

his case-based book presents detailed information on neurovascular anatomy in concise, easily digestible chapters that focus on the importance of understanding anatomy when performing neurointerventional procedures. The case discussions include modern examples of invasive and non-invasive angiographic techniques that are relevant for general radiologists and diagnostic neuroradiologists as well as interventionalists.

ISBN: 9781626233478
Autores: Mark Shaya, Cristian Gragnaniello, Remi Nader

Essential prep for maintenance of certification exams as well as neurosurgery boards Comprehensive, but small enough to take on rounds, the updated second edition of this popular neurosurgical board review provides a robust study companion for the American Board of Neurological Surgery (ABNS) primary examination.

Neurosurgery Knowledge Update

Precio COP $800.000

ISBN: 9781626230361
Autores: Robert Harbaugh, Christopher I. Shaffrey, William T. Couldwell, Mitchel S. Berger

Certification from the American Board of Neurological Surgeons (ABNS) is the gold standard for certification of neurosurgeons practicing in the U.S. This text is the most up-to-date board review guide for neurosurgeons. It features actual cases, over 300 high-quality illustrations and images, clinical overviews, and a Q and A that mimics the ABNS exam format.

Neurosurgery Board Review

Precio COP $288.000

ISBN: 9781626231047
Autores: Cargill H. Alleyne, M. Neil Woodall, Jonathan Stuart Citow

Designed to evaluate candidates' expertise and provide direction for continued learning, the American Board of Neurological Surgery (ABNS) primary (written) examination is a required step to attaining board certification in the U.S. The rigorous exam requires substantial preparation.

Nerve Surgery

Precio COP $736.000

ISBN: 9781588905130
Autores: Susan E. Mackinnon

Representing the treatment and management philosophy of Dr. Susan Mackinnon, Nerve Surgery provides extensive coverage of innovative surgical options as well as guidance on the management of complicated compression neuropathies. In addition to detailed information on tried-and-true as well as cutting-edge surgical techniques, it contains chapters on the basic principles of nerve surgery, such as "Anatomy and Physiology for the Peripheral Nerve Surgeon" and "Evaluation of the Patient with Nerve Injury or Nerve Compression."

ISBN: 9781604062397
Autores: Alexander R. Vaccaro

Features: Concise outline format enables rapid reading for the busy spine surgeon Invaluable synopses of highly practical evidence-based literature Detailed coverage of commonly disputed issues, such as how to manage vertebral compression fractures, surgery for axial back pain, minimally invasive lumbar fusion, the use of prophylactic antibiotics in spine surgery, and much more Grading of Best Evidence feature in which the authors rate the viability of the data presented

Obesidad en pediatria

Precio COP $55.000

ISBN: 9786074430004
Autores: Castillo Martinez Lilia, Orea Atejeda Arturo

El propósito de este libro es proporcionar a los profesionales de la salud información técnica y útil y actualizada para abordar el diagnóstico, la prevención y el tratamiento del niño con sobrepeso y obesidad

Oncology of CNS Tumors 2Ed.

Precio COP $511.000

ISBN: 9783642028731
Autores: Tonn Jörg-Christian, Westphal Manfred, Rutka James T

Knowledge about the etiology and diagnosis as well as treatment concepts of neu- oncologic diseases is rapidly growing. This turnover of knowledge makes it dif? cult for the physician engaged in the treatment to keep up to date with current therapies.

ISBN: 9783319153551
Autores: Lucchese Marcello, Scopinaro Nicola

This book explains the concept of metabolic surgery and provides step-by-step descriptions of all the principal minimally invasive surgical techniques employed to treat morbid obesity The approach adopted is very practical. For each procedure, indications

Atlas of Pediatric Brain Tumors

Precio COP $416.000

ISBN: 9781441910615
Autores: Adesina Adekunle, Tihan Tarik, Fuller Christine, Poussaint Tina Young

Recent evidence indicates that the physiology and response to various drugs in the pediatric population differs from that of the adult and must be appreciated to be able to fully address the health need of the pediatric population Atlas of Pediatric Brain Tumors covers areas ranging from neuroimaging the use of crush and touch preps during introperative

ISBN: 9789585577879
Autores: Alfredo Alberto Matos Adames; Víctor Manuel Sánchez Nava; José Vergara Centeno; Agamenón Quintero Villarreal

No existe patología en la cual el paciente se recupere si está malnutrido; esto se aplica con mayor énfasis a todos los pacientes graves de nuestras unidades de cuidados intensivos. La malnutrición representa una condición independiente que duplica la mortalidad de los pacientes críticos. Hemos armado un libro que contiene 26 capítulos de los temas más frecuentes relacionados con la malnutrición del paciente crítico: cómo evaluarla, cómo diagnosticarla y cómo tratarla.

Vertebral Tumors

Precio COP $311.000

ISBN: 9780781788670
Autores: Gunzburg Robert, Szpalskimarek, Aebi Max

This volume is a comprehensive review of the state of the art in the management of spinal tumors. Leading experts from the United States, Europe, and India present the latest concepts and findings on the epidemiology, classification, diagnosis, radiation

Terapia intensiva. Nutrición

Precio COP $33.000

Autor: Knobel

Isbn: 9789589787571

Homenaje al enfermero La historia del cuidado intensivo está íntimamente relacionada con la de la enfermería. La activa participación de Florence Nightingale en la guerra de Crimea, preocupada por las deprimentes condiciones del tratamiento médico, fue emblemática y determinante. Esta heroína y su equipo de enfermeras voluntarias reunieron a todos los heridos de la guerra bajo un mismo ambiente, permitiendo así una asistencia más directa y eficiente. 

ISBN: 9780781769723
Autores: Szpalski Marek, Gunzburg Robert, Le Huec Jean Charles, Brayda Bruno Marco

Written by an international group of expert spine surgeons, this volume thoroughly examines new nonfusion technologies for treating spinal degenerative conditions while preserving motion. Major sections describe various surgical techniques

Neurology And Trauma

Precio COP $360.000

ISBN: 9780195170320
Autores: Evans Randolph

Disorders due to trauma to the head, spine, and peripheral nerves are among the most common seen by neurologists, neurosurgeons, and emergency physicians. This is the comprehensive definitive work on the subject, offering coverage on a wide range 


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