ISBN: 9786287673335
Autor: Pamela Rojo, Silvia Makhoul
Los avances en el diagnóstico precoz del cáncer y las terapias antitumorales han dado lugar a un aumento exponencial en el número de pacientes oncológicos que sobreviven a largo plazo o se mantienen en situación estable, bajo tratamiento activo, durante años. Sin embargo, estos pacientes se enfrentan al riesgo de presentar complicaciones cardiovasculares derivadas de los tratamientos del cáncer, que pueden ser prevenibles y tratables si se identifican de forma precoz.
ISBN: 9783540712725
Autores: Surbone Antonella, Peccatori Fedro, Pavlidis Nicholas
This book is written by experts with clinical expertise on diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of women with cancer during pregnancy. It provides a comprehensive review of data and an overview of psychological, ethical, and social aspects.
ISBN: 9788445813638
Autores: Browm K
La serie Clinics of North America compuesta por diversos títulos escritos por los mejores y más reconocidos especialistas en cada área recoge en un formato muy manejable una visión sintética y muy práctica orientada a la clínica de la especialidad tratada
ISBN: 9781451190175
Autores: Hawn Mary
Achieve the best outcomes with expert, practical, highly visual guidance! Operative Techniques in Foregut Surgery features just the foregut surgery content from Operative Techniques in Surgery, the comprehensive 2volume set edited by Michael W. Mulholland
ISBN: 9781605473338
Autores: Chanan-Khan Asher
Immunomodulatory (IMiDs) drugs are a new class of anticancer agents that has made a tremendous impact on the treatment of patients with various malignant diseases, including blood cancers and several cancers of the solid organs.
ISBN: 9781451118131
Autores: Devita Vincent, Lawrence Theodore, Rosenberg Steven, Depinho Ronald, Weinberg Robert A.
DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology" has been acclaimed by the worldwide medical community as the standard-setting oncology reference. Its primary goal is to present the practicing oncologist
ISBN: 9781605470580
Autores: Govindan Ramaswamy
Based on DeVita, Lawrence, and Rosenberg's "Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology, Eighth Edition", this comprehensive question-and-answer review book covers the entire specialty of oncology and provides thorough preparation for oncology boards.
ISBN: 9781605474311
Autores: Chabner Bruce, Longo Dan
Updated to include the newest drugs and those currently in development, Cancer Chemotherapy and Biotherapy, Fifth Edition is a comprehensive reference on the preclinical and clinical pharmacology of anticancer agents. Organized by drug class
ISBN: 9781608316700
Autores: Rosen Paul Peter, Hoda Syed
Edited by two eminent authorities on breast pathology, this heavily illustrated text offers essential guidance on diagnostic evaluation of needle core biopsies. The focus is on the most common and challenging differential diagnostic problems
ISBN: 9780781795586
Autores: Abraham Jame, Gulley James, Allegra Carmen
Written by clinicians from the National Cancer Institute and other leading institutions, this comprehensive, clear, concise oncology handbook is designed specifically for quick bedside consultation. It covers all malignancies and offers busy clinicians
ISBN: 9780781788564
Autores: Khan Faiz
Dr. Khan's classic textbook on radiation oncology physics is now in its thoroughly revised and updated Fourth Edition. It provides the entire radiation therapy team--radiation oncologists, medical physicists, dosimetrists, and radiation therapists
ISBN: 9780781773652
Autores: Pass Harvey, Carbone David, Johnson David, Minna John, Scagliotti Giorgio, Turrisi Andrew
Thoroughly revised and updated, this Fourth Edition is the most comprehensive, current reference on lung cancer, with contributions from the world's foremost surgeons, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, pulmonologists, and basic scientists
ISBN: 9780781764919
Autores: Cardenosa Gilda
The top-selling title in our Imaging Companion Series is now in its revised, updated Third Edition. Featuring over 1,000 large, clear images accompanied by brief, bulleted "key facts," this how-to book provides everything readers need to obtain high-
ISBN: 9780781747684
Autores: Kopans Daniel
Dr. Kopans' best-selling text and reference on breast imaging is now in its thoroughly revised updated Third Edition The author combines a complete superbly illustrated atlas of imaging findings with a comprehensive text that covers all imaging modalities
ISBN: 9781607615231
Autores: Stewart David
Defining the Lung Cancer Problem 1 Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the world. It kills almost as many Americans as cancers of the breast, prostate, colon, rectum, pancreas, and 2 kidney combined, and accounts for 28.6% of all US cancer deaths. With an increase in the 5-year relative survival rate from 13%
ISBN: 9780323049719
Autores: Cox James
Radiation Oncology: provides you with authoritative guidance on the latest methods for using radiotherapy to treat patients with cancer. Progressing from fundamental principles through specific treatment strategies for the cancers of each organ system,
ISBN: 9781604067590
Autores: Robert F. Spetzler, M. Yashar Kalani, Peter Nakaji
The complex, highly technological field of neurovascular surgery is quickly expanding, encompassing traditional surgical approaches, as well as endovascular and neurointerventional techniques. The last decade has seen increased cross-specialty interest in utilizing minimally invasive techniques to help prevent and treat cerebrovascular disease.
ISBN: 9780323039789
Autores: Disaia Philip
Thanks to improved detection technologies, early diagnosis and treatment and innovative research the outlook for gynecologic oncology patients is improving every day. Offer your patients diagnosis and management with help of this reference on gynecologic
Neurovascular Anatomy in Interventional Neuroradiology: A Case-Based Approach 1S
ISBN: 9781604068399
Autores: Timo Krings, Sasikhan Geibprasert, Karel Ter Brugge
his case-based book presents detailed information on neurovascular anatomy in concise, easily digestible chapters that focus on the importance of understanding anatomy when performing neurointerventional procedures. The case discussions include modern examples of invasive and non-invasive angiographic techniques that are relevant for general radiologists and diagnostic neuroradiologists as well as interventionalists.
ISBN: 9788478775392
Autores: Casas
La guía estructurada en 6 partes, está desarrollada exhaustivamente con un enfoque multidisciplinar al intervenir expertos de otras disciplinas, como la cirugía torácica, la oncología médica y el diagnóstico por la imagen, así como los de radiofísica
ISBN: 9781626233478
Autores: Mark Shaya, Cristian Gragnaniello, Remi Nader
Essential prep for maintenance of certification exams as well as neurosurgery boards Comprehensive, but small enough to take on rounds, the updated second edition of this popular neurosurgical board review provides a robust study companion for the American Board of Neurological Surgery (ABNS) primary examination.
ISBN: 9781588296054
Autores: Saw Jacqeline, Exaire Emilio, Lee David, Yadav Jay
This handbook supplements hands-on training in interventional cardiology with a specific focus on percutaneous intervention in patients with extracranial carotid artery stenosis. It carries studies supporting carotid comprehensive
ISBN: 9781626230361
Autores: Robert Harbaugh, Christopher I. Shaffrey, William T. Couldwell, Mitchel S. Berger
Certification from the American Board of Neurological Surgeons (ABNS) is the gold standard for certification of neurosurgeons practicing in the U.S. This text is the most up-to-date board review guide for neurosurgeons. It features actual cases, over 300 high-quality illustrations and images, clinical overviews, and a Q and A that mimics the ABNS exam format.
ISBN: 9788492977055
Autores: Calvo Manuel Felipe
Este libro es un fruto maduro del árbol centenario de la medicina española en la transición del siglo XX al XXI. Reúne el esfuerzo colosal de un centenar de especialistas en Oncología Radioterápica, complementado con brillantez por aportaciones
ISBN: 9781626231047
Autores: Cargill H. Alleyne, M. Neil Woodall, Jonathan Stuart Citow
Designed to evaluate candidates' expertise and provide direction for continued learning, the American Board of Neurological Surgery (ABNS) primary (written) examination is a required step to attaining board certification in the U.S. The rigorous exam requires substantial preparation.
ISBN: 9781930808577
Autores: Gilbert David
As complexities of care increases, this book provides a wealth of emerging information, appropriate references and rational guidelines for care. The scope has been expanded to include more information relevant to AIDS care in the developing world
ISBN: 9781588905130
Autores: Susan E. Mackinnon
Representing the treatment and management philosophy of Dr. Susan Mackinnon, Nerve Surgery provides extensive coverage of innovative surgical options as well as guidance on the management of complicated compression neuropathies. In addition to detailed information on tried-and-true as well as cutting-edge surgical techniques, it contains chapters on the basic principles of nerve surgery, such as "Anatomy and Physiology for the Peripheral Nerve Surgeon" and "Evaluation of the Patient with Nerve Injury or Nerve Compression."
Autores: Agamenón Quintero Villarreal, MD; Joseph L. Nates Casta, MD, MBA; Ignacio Pujol Varela, MD; Yenny Rocío Cárdenas Bolívar, MD
Isbn: 9789588813684
ISBN: 9781604062397
Autores: Alexander R. Vaccaro
Features: Concise outline format enables rapid reading for the busy spine surgeon Invaluable synopses of highly practical evidence-based literature Detailed coverage of commonly disputed issues, such as how to manage vertebral compression fractures, surgery for axial back pain, minimally invasive lumbar fusion, the use of prophylactic antibiotics in spine surgery, and much more Grading of Best Evidence feature in which the authors rate the viability of the data presented