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Essentials of Terror Medicine

Precio COP $99.000

ISBN: 9780387094113
Autores: Shapira Shmuel, Hammond Jeffrey, Cole Leonard

A new field of medicine has emerged as a result of the global proliferation of terrorism. Terror medicine is related to emergency and disaster medicine but focuses on the constellation of medical issues uniquely related to terrorist attacks.

Temas clave embriologia 4° ed.

Precio COP $106.000

ISBN: 9788496921146
Autores: Dudek Ronald

La obra de Neuroanatomía de James D. Fix pertenece a la colección Temas Clave, cuyo objetivo es presentar al estudiante textos sencillos y resumidos en un formato ágil y fácil de manejar. El texto y los tests de autoevaluación se adaptan a las directrices

ISBN: 9788484735984
Autores: Mariscal Flores Ma. Luisa

La vía aérea difícil ha constituido y constituye una de las mayores preocupaciones de los anestesiólogos desde que, años atrás, se comenzaran a realizar anestesias generales con respiración asistida mediante la administración de relajantes musculares

Hipertensión en el embarazo

Precio COP $83.000

ISBN: 9789509030695
Autores: Voto Liliana

Este es un libro es para jóvenes profesionales en formación que ayudará a entender el complejo desarrollo de la hipertensión gestacional y para acompañar la consulta diaria a todos aquéllos que tienen la responsabilidad de cuidar de las madres y sus hijos

Atlas Of Pelvic Floor Ultrasound

Precio COP $356.000

ISBN: 9781846285202
Autores: Dietz Hans, Hoyte Lennox, Steensma Anneke

Ultrasound has replaced X-ray as the main imaging modality for the diagnosis of pelvic floor disorders in women. It now enables a cost-effective and non-invasive demonstration of bladder neck and pelvic organ mobility, vaginal, urethral and levator

Heart Failure 2Ed

Precio COP $224.000

ISBN: 9780781769464
Autores: Katz Arnold, Konstam Marvin

This Second Edition of Dr. Katz's highly acclaimed text has been thoroughly revised to incorporate the latest advances in the study and treatment of heart failure. The book explains the pathophysiology, molecular mechanisms, clinical manifestations

ISBN: 9781846289521
Autores: Munoz Ricardo, Vetterly Carol, Roth Stephen, Da Cruz Eduardo

This handbook of drugs used in pediatric cardiac care will satisfy the need for a quick reference source of common drug therapy. There are no major texts available in the field of pediatric cardiology that exclusively provide therapeutic drug information.

Comprehensive Cytopathology 3Ed.

Precio COP $750.000

ISBN: 9781416042082
Autores: Bibbo Marluce, Wilbur David

This book provides you with a comprehensive guide to the diagnostic applications of exfoliative and aspiration cytology. The book takes a systemic approach and covers the normal and abnormal cytological findings encountered in a particular organ.

Manual Of Nephrology 7Ed.

Precio COP $143.000

ISBN: 9780781796194
Autores: Schrier Robert

Now in its Seventh Edition, this best-selling Spiral Manual is a practical quick-reference guide to the diagnosis and treatment of renal disorders. The book covers all common renal problems in a user-friendly outline format designed for rapid information

ISBN: 9786074430608
Autores: Taketomo

El manual de referencia farmacológica de LEXI-COMP - El Manual de prescripción pediátrica de Lexi-Comp sigue siendo la publicación más confiable para dosificación en neonatos lactantes y niños Esta guía práctica y útil está organizada en secciones fáciles

Atlas Of Vulvar Disease  2Ed

Precio COP $236.000

ISBN: 9780781789394
Autores: Wilkinson Edward, Stone I. Keith

Designed for quick, easy reference in the office or clinic, this atlas is a pictorial and textual guide to the diagnosis, treatment, and management of vulvar diseases. Full-color clinical photographs and relevant histopathologic photographs illustrate

ISBN: 9780781787468
Autores: Sadock Benjamin, Alcott Sadock Virginia

This concise textbook is ideal for any student or health care professional who needs an authoritative, readable, affordable text that is sharply focused on clinical psychiatry. It contains the most relevant clinical material from the best-selling Kaplan

ISBN: 9780387733289
Autores: Twersky Rebecca, Philip Beverly

This second edition of the Handbook of Ambulatory Anesthesia has been completely updated and expanded to reflect current practice guidelines and trends in ambulatory anesthesia. This practical manual covers preoperative evaluation, patient and procedure

Pelvic Floor Re-Education 2 Ed.

Precio COP $167.000

ISBN: 9781852339685
Autores: Baessler Kaven, Schüssler Bernhard, Burgio Kathryn L, Moore Kate H, Norton Peggy A, Stanton Stuart L

This book on pelvic floor re-education provides a comprehensive overview of the subject, along with other aspects of the clinical assessment and management of pelvic floor disorders. It is written for all health care professionals working with women

Cáncer de pulmón

Precio COP $63.000

ISBN: 9788478775392
Autores: Casas

La guía estructurada en 6 partes, está desarrollada exhaustivamente con un enfoque multidisciplinar al intervenir expertos de otras disciplinas, como la cirugía torácica, la oncología médica y el diagnóstico por la imagen, así como los de radiofísica

ISBN: 9789509030657
Autores: Gorodner Jorge

El presente libro tiene el propósito de brindar al profesional del equipo de salud un compendio que facilite su accionar frente a las patologías de alta prevalencia y otras conminantes que tienen su correlato en el ecosistema y el ambiente

Regulador de Función Aragão

Precio COP $182.000

ISBN: 9788461226832
Autores: Aragão Wilson

Todas estas funciones pueden ser alteradas por el comportamiento funcional del Sistema Estomatognático (SE) del individuo. Es decir, si las funciones se ejecutan en su plenitud, con cierre labial espontáneo, el "SE" se desarrollará armoniosamente

ISBN: 9780781775960
Autores: Ioachim Harry, Medeiros Jeffrey

Now in its Fourth Edition, this comprehensive, practical, and thoroughly illustrated reference offers valuable guidance in the diagnostic interpretation of lymph node biopsies. It provides encyclopedic coverage of all the various nonmalignant lesions

Odontología Hospitalaria

Precio COP $91.000

ISBN: 9788461216161
Autores: Pessoa De Barros Tarley Eloy, Denser Campolongo Gabriel

Reúne de modo comprensible y sin perder precisión, los conceptos y principios básicos de la práctica odontológica en el ambiente hospitalario, con sus aplicaciones prácticas. Nace como guía, no sólo para estudiantes, sino para todos aquellos que practican

ISBN: 9780781769372
Autores: Gibbs Ronald, Karlanbeth, Haney, Nygaard Ingrid

A core reference for residents and practitioners for over 40 years, Danforth's Obstetrics and Gynecology is now in its Tenth Edition-thoroughly revised and reorganized to provide complete, authoritative coverage of the modern clinical practice

Psychology An Introduction 10Ed.

Precio COP $300.000

ISBN: 9780073531984
Autores: Lahey

A contemporary take on a time tested classic. Students will master the central concepts of psychology with the new 10th edition of Psychology from Benjamin Lahey. A new chapter on the Interplay of Nature and Nurture highlights the 10th edition's



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