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  • Año: 2007

Cancer and Pregnancy

Precio COP $397.000

ISBN: 9783540712725
Autores: Surbone Antonella, Peccatori Fedro, Pavlidis Nicholas

This book is written by experts with clinical expertise on diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of women with cancer during pregnancy. It provides a comprehensive review of data and an overview of psychological, ethical, and social aspects.

Breast Imaging Companion 3Ed.

Precio COP $212.000

ISBN: 9780781764919
Autores: Cardenosa Gilda

The top-selling title in our Imaging Companion Series is now in its revised, updated Third Edition. Featuring over 1,000 large, clear images accompanied by brief, bulleted "key facts," this how-to book provides everything readers need to obtain high-

ISBN: 9780781764391
Autores: Shishehbor Mehdi, Wang Thomas, Askari Arman, Penn Marc, Topol Eric

Designed for quick, easy use in emergency situations, this concise coronary care manual focuses on the diagnosis and management of acute cardiac conditions. The authors succinctly summarize the evidence-based strategies and successful diagnostic

ISBN: 9780323039789
Autores: Disaia Philip

Thanks to improved detection technologies, early diagnosis and treatment and innovative research the outlook for gynecologic oncology patients is improving every day. Offer your patients diagnosis and management with help of this reference on gynecologic

ISBN: 9781846285639
Autores: Piercy Catherine Nelson, Girling Joanna

Recognition of the importance of maternal medicine is now reflected in the content of the MRCOG exam, core training and higher training in both obstetrics and medicine. This book approaches obstetric medicine from the point of view of real patients

Clinics Heart Failure, 3-4

Precio COP $170.000

ISBN: 9781416056409
Autores: Aronow Wilbert

Topics include epidemiology, pathophysiology, and prognosis of heart failure in the elderly; DEFEAT heart failure process; role of echocardiography in the diagnostic assessment and etiology of heart failure in the elderly; diagnostic heart failure in the elderly. For clinicians. W. S. Aronow, Books, Health and Well Being, Heart Failure in the Elderly, An Issue of Heart Failure Clinics Books>Health and Well Being

The Human Heart 2Edition

Precio COP $164.000

ISBN: 9780781767774
Autores: Phibbs Brendan

This basic text on the heart and heart diseases is geared to everyone on the cardiovascular care team, including emergency personnel, interns, residents, nurses, patients, and families. The thoroughly updated Second Edition describes current technologies

The Echo Manual 3 Ed

Precio COP $389.000

ISBN: 9780781748537
Autores: Oh Jae, Seward James, Tajik Jamil

Thoroughly updated for its Third Edition, this best-selling manual is a practical guide to the performance, interpretation, and clinical applications of echocardiography. The Echo Manual is written by recognized authorities at the Mayo Clinic

ISBN: 9781416022138
Autores: Steinberg Daniel

Medical consultation is an integral part internal medicine specialists who practice in an inpatient setting.This pocket dbook helps you to provide timely and effective, evidence-based consultations and encountered clinical situations

ISBN: 9788493531898
Autores: Sanderson Haldane John Burdon

Sauer Manual de enfermedades de la piel es una obra dirigida a estudiantes de medicina, residentes y médicos en general. Contiene capítulos dedicados al diagnóstico y al tratamiento de las enfermedades cutáneas más frecuentes e importantes

ISBN: 9789507623202
Autores: Bradley John

Especialidad: Asma, atención primaria, infectologia, inmunología, medicina familiar, medicina interna, neumología, pediatría, pediatría ambulatoria, salud pública, sida, terapia intensiva Descripción: Esta nueva edición mantiene el tradicional formato de libro de bolsillo de la primera edición publicada en 1975

ISBN: 9780781769723
Autores: Szpalski Marek, Gunzburg Robert, Le Huec Jean Charles, Brayda Bruno Marco

Written by an international group of expert spine surgeons, this volume thoroughly examines new nonfusion technologies for treating spinal degenerative conditions while preserving motion. Major sections describe various surgical techniques

Funcion Articular

Precio COP $25.000

ISBN: 9788471015778
Autores: Cailliet Rene

Aspectos de la anatomía funcional. Anatomía funcional de la columna lumbosacra. Anatomía funcional de la columna cervical. Anatomía funcional del hombro. Anatomía funcional del codo, la muñeca, la mano y los dedos. Anatomía funcional de la rodilla.

ISBN: 9781588296054
Autores: Saw Jacqeline, Exaire Emilio, Lee David, Yadav Jay

This handbook supplements hands-on training in interventional cardiology with a specific focus on percutaneous intervention in patients with extracranial carotid artery stenosis. It carries studies supporting carotid comprehensive

ISBN: 9788461176298
Autores: Doldán Lema Joaquín

El autor es Doctor en Odontología, pero antes, es escritor y a eso se dedica además de su trabajo como docente, tarea que ama tanto como la comunicación, oficio heredado de haber sido actor de carnaval, teatro y cine, pero que pudo afinar luego de horas

ISBN: 9788461176632
Autores: Martínez Horacio

Para presentar al autor y su obra, será oportuno recordar lo que dijo de él el Dr. Enrique Müller, fallecido miembro de la Academia de Medicina de la Argentina. Lo dicho de El DIENTE SECRETO es válido para esta apasionante novela de la vida y milagros

ISBN: 9780323039383
Autores: Bready Lois

Get fast answers to more than 220 anesthetic management problems with Decision Making in Anesthesiology! This fully revised and updated fourth edition examines vital topics in pre-anesthesia assessment, pre-operative problems, resuscitation,

Vertebral Tumors

Precio COP $311.000

ISBN: 9780781788670
Autores: Gunzburg Robert, Szpalskimarek, Aebi Max

This volume is a comprehensive review of the state of the art in the management of spinal tumors. Leading experts from the United States, Europe, and India present the latest concepts and findings on the epidemiology, classification, diagnosis, radiation

Terapia intensiva. Nutrición

Precio COP $33.000

Autor: Knobel

Isbn: 9789589787571

Homenaje al enfermero La historia del cuidado intensivo está íntimamente relacionada con la de la enfermería. La activa participación de Florence Nightingale en la guerra de Crimea, preocupada por las deprimentes condiciones del tratamiento médico, fue emblemática y determinante. Esta heroína y su equipo de enfermeras voluntarias reunieron a todos los heridos de la guerra bajo un mismo ambiente, permitiendo así una asistencia más directa y eficiente. 



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