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Cancer and Pregnancy

Precio COP $397.000

ISBN: 9783540712725
Autores: Surbone Antonella, Peccatori Fedro, Pavlidis Nicholas

This book is written by experts with clinical expertise on diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of women with cancer during pregnancy. It provides a comprehensive review of data and an overview of psychological, ethical, and social aspects.

The Breast 4 Ed. (2 Tomos)

Precio COP $751.000

ISBN: 9781416052210
Autores: Bland Kirby, Copeland Edward

Comprehensive Management of Benign and Malignant Diseases, 4th Edition by Kirby I. Bland, MD, and Edward M. is a surgical reference that offers the most comprehensive, up-to-date resource on the diagnosis and management of, and rehabilitation following,

ISBN: 9781608313815
Autores: Cabaniss Micki, Ross Michael

Thoroughly updated for its Second Edition, Fetal Monitoring Interpretation describes and illustrates the full range of patterns revealed by fetal monitoring and explains their clinical significance. The book uses case studies and high-quality tracings

Manual Fundamentos de Ventilación Mecánica

Precio base COP $149.000 -15% Precio COP $126.650

ISBN: 9786287673373
Autor: José Vergara Centeno, MD. Miguel Chung Sang, MD.

La insuficiencia respiratoria aguda es una de las causas más frecuentes de ingreso a la UCI, y la ventilación mecánica es el soporte vital más frecuentemente utilizado en estos pacientes. Alrededor del 70% de los pacientes ingresados en una UCI polivalente son ventilados en algún momento durante la internación, de ahí la importancia de la preparación del personal de salud en el conocimiento y la experticia del uso y manejo de este método de soporte vital. 

Grandes Síndromes en Cuidados Intensivos

Precio base COP $119.000 -15% Precio COP $101.150

ISBN: 9786287673274
Autores: Álvaro Ardila Otero, MD

Grandes Síndromes en Cuidados Intensivos es una visión práctica y fundamentada de los principales síndromes diagnosticados en cuidados intensivos. La obra aborda la fisiopatología, considerada la madre del conocimiento, y describe los signos y síntomas de las principales disfunciones en pacientes graves. Se detalla el abordaje fisiológico, semiológico, clínico y terapéutico, así como el monitoreo invasivo y no invasivo de los pacientes críticos. Además, se destaca la gestión del conocimiento, estimulando la lectura y la actualización médica. 

Breast Imaging Companion 3Ed.

Precio COP $212.000

ISBN: 9780781764919
Autores: Cardenosa Gilda

The top-selling title in our Imaging Companion Series is now in its revised, updated Third Edition. Featuring over 1,000 large, clear images accompanied by brief, bulleted "key facts," this how-to book provides everything readers need to obtain high-

Essentials of Terror Medicine

Precio COP $99.000

ISBN: 9780387094113
Autores: Shapira Shmuel, Hammond Jeffrey, Cole Leonard

A new field of medicine has emerged as a result of the global proliferation of terrorism. Terror medicine is related to emergency and disaster medicine but focuses on the constellation of medical issues uniquely related to terrorist attacks.

Temas clave embriologia 4° ed.

Precio COP $106.000

ISBN: 9788496921146
Autores: Dudek Ronald

La obra de Neuroanatomía de James D. Fix pertenece a la colección Temas Clave, cuyo objetivo es presentar al estudiante textos sencillos y resumidos en un formato ágil y fácil de manejar. El texto y los tests de autoevaluación se adaptan a las directrices

ISBN: 9781608310036
Autores: Foster Corey, Mistry Neville, Peddi Parvin, Sharma Shivak

Established for over 40 years as the "bible" of the medical ward. The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics is now in its Thirty-Third Edition and builds upon that proud tradition--with even more of the current information you need delivered

Risk and choice in maternity care

Precio COP $128.000

ISBN: 9780443101519
Autores: Symon Andrew

"Este libro explora la compleja interrelación entre el riesgo y la elección en el cuidado de la maternidad examinando de cerca cómo se definen los riesgos y el impacto que tiene en la capacidad de la mujer para tomar decisiones durante el embarazo

ISBN: 9780781764391
Autores: Shishehbor Mehdi, Wang Thomas, Askari Arman, Penn Marc, Topol Eric

Designed for quick, easy use in emergency situations, this concise coronary care manual focuses on the diagnosis and management of acute cardiac conditions. The authors succinctly summarize the evidence-based strategies and successful diagnostic

ISBN: 9780323039789
Autores: Disaia Philip

Thanks to improved detection technologies, early diagnosis and treatment and innovative research the outlook for gynecologic oncology patients is improving every day. Offer your patients diagnosis and management with help of this reference on gynecologic

Diabetes y embarazo

Precio COP $84.000

ISBN: 9788478775316
Autores: Pallardo Sanches Luis Felipe

La conjunción de diabetes y embarazo ha resultado siempre una situación atrayente de estudio para diabetólogos, obstetras y neonatólogos, donde el feliz resultado del embarazo va a venir lógicamente condicionado por el buen hacer de los tres especialistas

ISBN: 9788484735984
Autores: Mariscal Flores Ma. Luisa

La vía aérea difícil ha constituido y constituye una de las mayores preocupaciones de los anestesiólogos desde que, años atrás, se comenzaran a realizar anestesias generales con respiración asistida mediante la administración de relajantes musculares

The Prenate And Neonate.

Precio COP $298.000

ISBN: 9781842140444
Autores: Renzo Gian Carlo Di, Simeoni Umberto

At the moment of birth, the obstetrician is presented with a wide range of visual signs and symptoms in the neonate that may be entirely normal or that may indicate the presence of some underlying condition or disease.

Prenatal Medicine

Precio COP $456.000

ISBN: 9780824728441
Autores: Van Vugt John M. G, Shulman Lee P.

At the cutting-edge of maternal and neonatal management and research this reference presents the most recent advances in fetal DNA/RNA embryoscopy/fetoscopy open fetal surgery pre-existing and newly detected maternal medical complications detect

Handbook Of Early Pregnancy Care

Precio COP $298.000

ISBN: 9781842143230
Autores: Bourne Thomas H, Condous George

Problems in early pregnancy are among the most common conditions in gynecology and with management becoming less invasive and depending more on accurate ultrasound and a good understanding of serum biochemistry

Hipertensión en el embarazo

Precio COP $83.000

ISBN: 9789509030695
Autores: Voto Liliana

Este es un libro es para jóvenes profesionales en formación que ayudará a entender el complejo desarrollo de la hipertensión gestacional y para acompañar la consulta diaria a todos aquéllos que tienen la responsabilidad de cuidar de las madres y sus hijos

Inflammation And Pregnancy

Precio COP $344.000

ISBN: 9781842142721
Autores: Peebles Donald M, Myatt Leslie

Nowhere is the complex relation between inflammation and disease more apparent than in pregnancy. From the immune adaptation necessary for a mother to tolerate a genetically different fetus through gestation, to the role of inflammatory mediators

ISBN: 9781842142325
Autores: Faye-Petersen Ona Marie, Heller Debra S, Joshi Vijay V

A user-friendly text, this book explores all the diagnostic challenges pathologists and obstetricians will face. Succinct and accessible, the text includes discussions of lesions associated with maternal thrombophilias, updates in disorders challenging

Autor: Arzu Topeli, Gene Sung, Jorge Hidalgo
ISBN: 9786287673038

This textbook comprehensively reviews the latest developments in evidence-based critical care. Topics are covered in a case study format, which emphasizes the principles of diagnosis and therapy. Each case presentation has a vignette leading up to an important clinical question, followed by an additional discussion that resolves that question. Some of the topics are: Head trauma, high-altitude cerebral edema, pancreatitis, sepsis, crush syndrome, delirium, among others. This medical book should help critical care practitioners, fellows, residents, allied health professionals, and students expand their critical care knowledge efficiently and effectively.

ISBN: 9788538800538
Autores: Velasco Irineu Tadeu

Medicina Intensiva Baseada em Evidências é livro do momento, ao considerar-se os três principais objetivos que motivaram sua publicação:1) uma melhor avaliação rigorosamente sistematizada da literatura sobre Medicina Intensiva. 2) o estudo causal das evidências dirigido às pesquisas clínicas. 3) a notória falta de livro que venha descrever de forma didática e absolutamente clara os procedimentos e as intervenções realizados em medicina intensiva. 



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